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HSGP Appendix | 2023 Page A-5 <br />Category Description <br />5 <br />National Critical <br />Infrastructure <br />Prioritization Program <br />(NCIPP) <br />Protection of Level 1 and Level 2 facilities identified through DHS’s <br />NCIPP based on a terrorism-related threat to critical infrastructure. <br />6 Directed Transit Patrols Targeted security patrols in airports and major transit hubs based on <br />a terrorism-related threat to transportation systems. <br />7 Other Related Personnel <br />Overtime Costs <br />Overtime costs may be authorized for personnel assigned to directly <br />support any of the security activities relating to the categories above. <br />Examples include firefighters and emergency medical services <br />personnel; public works employees who may be responsible for <br />installing protective barriers and fencing; public safety personnel <br />assigned to assist with event access and crowd control; emergency <br />communications specialists; backfill and overtime for staffing state <br />or major urban area fusion centers; state Active Duty National <br />Guard deployments to protect critical infrastructure sites, including <br />all resources that are part of the standard National Guard <br />deployment package (note: consumable costs, such as fuel expenses, <br />are not allowed except as part of the standard National Guard <br />deployment package); contract security services for critical <br />infrastructure sites; participation in Regional Resiliency Assessment <br />Program activities, increased border security activities in <br />coordination with USBP, etc. <br />8 Operational Support to <br />a Federal Agency <br />Overtime costs are allowable for personnel to participate in <br />information, investigative, and intelligence sharing activities related <br />to homeland security/terrorism preparedness and specifically <br />requested by a federal agency. Allowable costs are limited to <br />overtime associated with federally requested participation in eligible <br />activities, including anti-terrorism task forces, Joint Terrorism Task <br />Forces (JTTFs), Area Maritime Security Committees (as required by <br />the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002), DHS Border <br />Enforcement Security Task Forces, and Integrated Border <br />Enforcement Teams. In addition, reimbursement for operational <br />overtime law enforcement activities related to combating <br />transnational crime organizations in support of efforts to enhance <br />capabilities for detecting, deterring, disrupting, and preventing acts <br />of terrorism is an allowable expense under SHSP and UASI on a <br />case-by-case basis. Grant funding can only be used in proportion to <br />the federal man-hour estimate and only after funding for these <br />activities from other federal sources (i.e., FBI JTTF payments to <br />state and local agencies) has been exhausted. <br />All allowable operational overtime costs are also subject to the administration requirements outlined in <br />the following subsection. <br />Administration of Operational Overtime Requests <br />•Except for an elevated NTAS alert, SHSP or UASI funds may only be spent for operational <br />overtime costs upon prior written approval by FEMA. The SAA must submit operational <br />overtime requests in writing to its assigned FEMA Preparedness Officer. FEMA will consider