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Item 35 - FY 2022 Emergency Management Performance Grant
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
11/07/2023 Regular
Item 35 - FY 2022 Emergency Management Performance Grant
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11/1/2023 1:48:15 PM
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11/1/2023 1:40:55 PM
City Clerk
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HSGP Appendix | 2023 Page A-11 <br />Investments in emergency communications systems and equipment must meet applicable SAFECOM <br />Guidance on Emergency Communications Grants (SAFECOM Guidance) recommendations. Such <br />investments must be coordinated with the SWIC and the State Interoperability Governing Body (SIGB) to <br />ensure interoperability and long-term compatibility. For personal protective equipment (PPE), recipients <br />are encouraged to give procurement preference to domestic manufacturers of PPE or PPE raw materials to <br />the maximum practicable and allowed by law. <br />Grant funds may be used for the procurement of medical countermeasures. Procurement of medical <br />countermeasures must be conducted in collaboration with state, city, or local health departments that <br />administer federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services for this purpose and with <br />existing Metropolitan Medical Response System committees where available, to sustain their long-term <br />planning for appropriate, rapid, and local medical countermeasures, including antibiotics and antidotes for <br />nerve agents, cyanide, and other toxins. Procurement must have a sound threat-based justification with an <br />aim to reduce the consequences of mass casualty incidents during the first crucial hours of a response. <br />Prior to procuring pharmaceuticals, recipients must have in place an inventory management plan to avoid <br />large periodic variations in supplies due to coinciding purchase and expiration dates. Recipients are <br />encouraged to enter into rotational procurement agreements with vendors and distributors. Purchases of <br />pharmaceuticals must include a budget for the disposal of expired drugs within each fiscal year’s P OP for <br />HSGP. The cost of disposal cannot be carried over to another FEMA grant or grant period. <br />EMS electronic patient care data systems should comply with the most current data standard of the <br />National Emergency Medical Services Information System. <br />Recipients are reminded that school hardening is an eligible activity under SHSP and UASI. School <br />hardening measures include but are not limited to: <br />•Bullet resistant doors and glass; <br />•Hinge-locking mechanisms; <br />•Immediate notification to emergency 911 systems; <br />•Mechanisms that provide real time actionable intelligence directly to law enforcement and first <br />responders; <br />•Installation of distraction devices or other countermeasures administered by law enforcement; and <br />•Other measures determined to provide significant improvements to schools’ physical security. <br />Additionally, SHSP and UASI funds may be used for equipment purchases related to state court <br />cybersecurity, 911 call capabilities, alert and warning capabilities, and implementation of the REAL ID <br />Act (Pub. L. No. 109-13). <br />Equipment (OPSG) <br />OPSG equipment is intended to be incidental to the enhanced border security operations being performed. <br />The grant is not intended to be used to outfit or supply general equipment to SLTT law enforcement <br />agencies. Equipment must be relatable to and justified by the operational benefit it will provide. Each <br />appropriate OPSG sector coordinator is required to keep an inventory of OPSG purchased equipment that <br />includes at a minimum: 1) grant funding year; 2) purchase amount; 3) purchase date; 4) purchase <br />quantity; 5) equipment ID; 6) source of funding for the property, including the Federal Award <br />Identification Number; 7) who holds title to the property; 8) federal share percent of the property; 9) <br />location of the property; 10) use and condition of the property; 11) disposal date; and 12) brief disposal <br />justification information and sale price if sold. Each Operations Order/FRAGO will require that each <br />friendly force submit the equipment inventory for each Operations Order/FRAGO submission. <br />•Equipment Marking. Because equipment purchased with OPSG funding is intended to be used <br />to support OPSG activities, it may be appropriately marked to ensure its ready identification and
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