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Slide 13 City of Santa Ana <br />City Council <br />November 21, 2023 <br />General Plan Consistency <br />•The proposed vacation, GPA, and AA are consistent with the goals and polices of the General Plan of the City as follows: <br />o Policy 1.5 of the Community Element (CM) encourages the development and use of municipal buildings, indoor facilities, sports fields, and outdoor spaces for recreation that serve residents throughout the City, with priority given to areas that are underserved and/or within environmental justice area boundaries. <br />o Policy 1.2 of the Open Space Element (OS) encourages the comprehensive and integrated network of parks, recreation facilities, trails, and open space that is diverse, with a variety of active and passive recreation opportunities. The subject park will add the City’s park network and will provide both active and passive recreation opportunities to the surrounding community. <br />o Policy 1.5 of the OS encourages a mix of community, neighborhood, and special use parks, along with green corridors, natural areas, and landscape areas, to meet community needs for green space, recreation space, social space, and trail connectivity. The subject park will increase the City’s parkland and will contribute to achieving three acres of parkland per 1,000 residents.