<br />]"Ile kindersiplod consultant Or CMI)Oratu offi', during the performance of this contract, certifies as follows;
<br />I. flic} Consultant shall not discriminate agmitist any ejjjployce or applicant R)" 011,I)loynicilt bocaugo of race,
<br />Color, religion, sex, or national origio. The Consultant Shall take affirmative action to 0113ttra t1lat Appljr'aJjjjs
<br />-are employed, Eind (fiat employees are trotited &NIMg eillplOynitmit wl.thow, regard to their race, color,
<br />religion, sex, or liational origin, Such action sliall include, but not be limited to, the following,
<br />employment, upgrading, demotion, or tratisror; rocruilment or recruitment advertising; layoff w termination;
<br />rates of pay or other forams of compensation; and selection for training, including appmitioeship, The
<br />Consultant agrees to Post in COIISPiCLIOUs places, available to employees and applicants for employment,
<br />notices to be provided setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause,
<br />2, The CWISLIltallt shall, in all solicitations or adv.ordsements for employees placed by or on behalf` of the
<br />Coll-gul tatA, state that all qualifIed applicants meM receive consideration for employment without regard to
<br />race, colar, religion, sex, or natio-mal arigim
<br />3. The COnSLINInt shall send to cacti labor union or represelitad-ve of worl<ej-5, with whicl, 11clMle jjas it
<br />collective bargaining agroement or other contrut Or UllderStffllding, at riotim to be provj&d advising tile Said
<br />labor union or workers' representadw's of com4oltalics commitments under this section, and shall post
<br />copios of the notice in conspicuous plarum available to employees and applicatits for employniem
<br />4, The Consultant shall comply With all provisions of ENeoutive Order 11246 or September 24, 1965, and of
<br />the rules, MgUlatiOIIS, and relevant orders ofthe Secretary of Labor.
<br />5, The Consultant shall furnish all hirorrmatinn and reports roquired by Executive Order 11246 of September
<br />24, 1965, and by rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretory cat' labor, Or PUBLIt'int thereto, and will permit
<br />Access to his/her books, records, and UMMB by the admimsteflvg agency and the Secretary uC Labor for
<br />purposes oNiivestigaflon, to ascortaill COMPlianOC With SLICII rkiles, regulations, and ordenq.
<br />6, 1.0. tile Milt Of the COI.I%Iltant's no€I-conipllance Nvith the no nd ised till nation clauws of this contract or vVith
<br />any or the said rules, regulations, or orders, the contract may be canoGled, terminawd, 01'80jiendod in whole
<br />01' in part and the C011KII(flM way be declared ineligible for furthim- Government contracts at, federally
<br />assiste'd Construction contracts in accordance with pt-medures, authorized in Execution Order 112,16 of
<br />Soptember 24, 1965, and SLICh. Other sanctions may be imposed and remedies .invoiced as provided in
<br />Executive Order 11240 of Septernber 24, 1965, or by rule, regulations, or order of the Secretary of Labor, or
<br />as Otherwise provided by Im,
<br />7. The Consultant shall Include the portion of the sentence immediately preceding pwagraph (1) and the
<br />Provisions Cf Paragraphs (1) through (7) in every subcontract or pw-chase order unless exempted by PUIOS,
<br />rogI1116011s, or order's of flan Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to Section 204 of Executive Order 11246 of
<br />Septernber 24, 1965, so that SLICII provisions Will be binding upon each sobeontnict or purchase order as the
<br />administering agenuy may dirge( as Ineflas of enforoinn such provisions, including sanctiow" rot
<br />noncompliance; provided, however, that in the event the Consultant becomes involved in, or is threatellecl
<br />with, litigation with a subconRlftallt Or VQnd0V as as reKllt Of SUCh direction by tile administering agency., the
<br />Conwltant may request that the United States enter into such lifigntion to Protect the interests rat the Unitad
<br />States.
<br />8, Pursuant tea Ctflifbrnitl Labor Code Section 1735, as addod by Chapter 0-43 Stoats. 1939, and as amended, no
<br />City of Santa Ana RFP 18-064
<br />Page 33
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