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Item 31 - Density Bonus Agreement No. 2023-02: Residential Development (322 N Harbor Blvd.)
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
11/21/2023 Regular
Item 31 - Density Bonus Agreement No. 2023-02: Residential Development (322 N Harbor Blvd.)
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Last modified
11/29/2023 3:40:51 PM
Creation date
11/29/2023 2:20:11 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Planning & Building
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4.9 Rental Lease Agreement. Developer shall prepare and obtain City's approval, <br />which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, of a rental lease agreement ("Lease <br />Agreement"). All Lease Agreements must 1) identify the names and ages of all members of the <br />household who will occupy the Affordable Unit; and 2) state that the Household's right to occupy <br />the Affordable Unit is subject to compliance with the Median Income requirements, adjusted for <br />family size appropriate to the unit, as periodically published by HCD. All Lease Agreements must <br />be consistent with the terms contained in this Density Bonus Agreement. <br />4.9.1 Prohibited Lease Terms. The Lease Agreement may not contain any of the <br />following provisions: <br />(a) Agreement to be Sued. Agreement by the tenant to be sued, to admit to guilt, <br />or to a judgment in favor of the owner in a lawsuit brought in connection with <br />the lease; <br />(b) Treatment of Property. Agreement by tenant that the owner may take, hold, or <br />sell personal property of household members without notice to tenant and a <br />court decision on the rights of the parties. This prohibition, however, does not <br />apply to an agreement by the tenant concerning disposition of personal property <br />remaining in the housing unit after the tenant has moved out of the unit. The <br />Developer may dispose of this personal property in accordance with State law; <br />(c) Excusing Developer of Responsibility. Agreement by the tenant not to hold the <br />Developer of the Developer's agent legally responsible for any action or failure <br />to act, whether intentional or negligent; <br />(d) Waiver of Notice. Agreement of the tenant that the Developer may institute a <br />lawsuit without notice to the tenant; <br />(e) Waiver of Legal Proceedings. Agreement by the tenant that the owner may <br />evict the tenant or household members without instituting a civil court <br />proceeding in which the tenant has the opportunity to present a defense, or <br />before a court decision on the rights of the parties; <br />(f) Waiver of a Jury Trial. Agreement by the tenant to waive any rights to a trial <br />by jury; <br />(g) Waiver of Right to Appeal Court Decision. Agreement by the tenant to waive <br />the tenant's right to appeal, or to otherwise challenge in court, a court decision <br />in connection with the lease; and <br />(h) Tenant Chargeable with Cost of Legal Action Regardless of Outcome. <br />Agreement by the tenant to pay attorney's fees or other legal costs even if the <br />tenant wins in a court proceeding by the owner against the tenant. The tenant, <br />however, may be obligated to pay costs if the tenant loses. <br />4.10 Selection of Tenants. <br />4.10.1 Developer shall be responsible for the selection of tenants for the Affordable <br />Units in compliance with lawful and reasonable criteria and the requirements of this Agreement. <br />4.10.2 Subject to applicable laws and regulations governing nondiscrimination and <br />preferences in housing occupancy, the Developer shall give preference in leasing the Affordable <br />Units to Eligible Households that live and/or work in the City of Santa Ana or who have an active <br />10 <br />
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