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Density Bonus Agreement No. 2023-02: Residential Development (322 N Harbor Blvd.) <br />November 21, 2023 <br />Page 8 <br />applicant to utilize a density bonus authorized for the development pursuant to Section 41- <br />1603 of the SAMC. <br />Affordable Housing Opportunity and Creation Ordinance (AHOCO) <br />The proposed development is subject to the requirements of the City's Affordable Housing <br />Opportunity and Creation Ordinance (AHOCO), which requires rental unit developments to <br />provide a minimum number of affordable units, depending on the proposed affordability <br />level (i.e., low income, very low income, extremely low income, or a combination). In this <br />case, the developer is proposing to provide very low income units. Pursuant to the <br />AHOCO, the applicant is required to provide ten percent (10%) very low income onsite <br />affordable units. Therefore, two very low income units would be required to be provided <br />onsite to be rented for occupancy, or held vacant and available for immediate occupancy, <br />by very low income tenants. <br />The developer is proposing to satisfy the AHOCO by providing two onsite rental units for <br />rent to very low income tenants. These units will be dispersed throughout the community <br />and will each contain one bedroom and will be approximately 633 square feet in size <br />(gross area), with a 50-square-foot deck. The developer's Inclusionary Housing Plan has <br />been reviewed and approved by the City's Housing Division, which determined the unit <br />type to be restricted as affordable (i.e., one -bedroom) based on the breakdown of total unit <br />types proposed (e.g., 18 one -bedroom units proposed). <br />Public Notification and Community Outreach <br />Project notifications were posted, published, and mailed in accordance with City and <br />State regulations. In addition, staff contacted the provided contacts for the Riverview <br />West and Santa Anita Neighborhood Association to ensure they were aware of the <br />project and public hearing. At the time this report was printed, no issues of concern <br />were raised regarding the proposed development. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT <br />Pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), an <br />Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared and certified in 2014 in order to <br />address the potential environmental impacts associated with the Harbor Mixed Use <br />Corridor Specific Plan. A mitigation monitoring and reporting program (MMRP), findings <br />of fact, and a statement of overriding consideration were adopted with the 2014 EIR. <br />As proposed, the development is not anticipated to have additional environmental <br />impacts not addressed in the 2014 EIR. Therefore, no additional environmental review <br />will be required. Based on this analysis, a Notice of Exemption, Environmental Review <br />No. 2022-12 will be filed for this project. However, all applicable mitigation measures in <br />the original EIR and associated MMRP will be enforced. <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />There is no fiscal impact associated with this action. <br />