CITY COUNCIL 9 June 20, 2023
<br />14. Award Aggregate Blanket Order Contracts to B&D Towing, Inc., Greater Southern
<br />California Towing, Inc., and MetroPro Towing, Inc. in an Annual Aggregate Amount
<br />not to Exceed $100,000 (Specification No. 23-079) (General and Non-General Fund)
<br />Department(s): Public Works Agency
<br />Recommended Action: Award an aggregate blanket order contracts to B&D Towing,
<br />Inc., Greater Southern California Towing, Inc., and MetroPro Towing, Inc. for on-call towing
<br />services for City vehicles for a one-year term beginning July 1, 2023, and expiring June
<br />30, 2024, with provisions for four one-year renewal options, in an annual aggregate
<br />amount of $100,000, with a total aggregate contract amount not to exceed $500,000,
<br />subject to non-substantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney.
<br />15. Award a Construction Contract to All American Asphalt in the Amount of $2,014,055
<br />for the Main Street Rehabilitation from MacArthur Boulevard to Dyer Road and St.
<br />Gertrude Place at Orange Avenue Project, with an Estimated Project Delivery Cost
<br />of $2,417,000 (Project No. 22-6988)(Project No. 23-6482) (General and Non-General
<br />Fund)
<br />Department(s): Public Works Agency
<br />Recommended Action: 1. Approve an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Capital
<br />Improvement Program to include $250,000 of funding in the General Fund for the Main
<br />Street Rehabilitation from MacArthur Boulevard to Dyer Road and St. Gertrude Place at
<br />Orange Avenue Project.
<br />2. Authorize budget reallocation of $361,000 in unspent Roadway Maintenance and
<br />Rehabilitation Account (SB-1) from the Euclid Rehabilitation from South City Limits to
<br />McFadden Improvement (No. 20-6961) Project to construction funds for the Main Street
<br />Rehabilitation from Macarthur Boulevard to Dyer Road and St. Gertrude Place at Orange
<br />Avenue Project (No. 22-6988) to complete the project funding requirement.
<br />3. Award a construction contract to All American Asphalt, the lowest responsible bidder,
<br />in accordance with the base bid in the amount of $2,014,055, for construction
<br />of the Main Street Rehabilitation from MacArthur Boulevard to Dyer Road and St.
<br />Gertrude Place at Orange Avenue Project, for the term beginning June 20, 2023, and
<br />ending upon project completion, and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract
<br />subject to non-substantive changes approved by the City Manager and the City Attorney.
<br />4. Approve the Project Cost Analysis for a total estimated construction delivery cost of
<br />$2,417,000, which includes $2,014,055 for the construction contract, $201,406 for
<br />contract administration, inspection and testing, and a $201,539 project contingency for
<br />unanticipated or unforeseen work.
<br />5. Determine that the recommended actions are exempt from further review in
<br />accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act as Categorical Exemption
<br />Environmental Review No. ER-2023-57 was filed for the project.
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