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Policy Number: P-630-5X487435 <br /> COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br /> THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br /> BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED - AUTOMATIC STATUS <br /> IF REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT (CONTRACTORS) <br /> This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: <br /> COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br /> The following is added to SECTION II—WHO IS AN (a) The Additional Insured — Owners, Les- <br /> INSURED: sees or Contractors — Scheduled Person <br /> Any person or organization that: or Organization endorsement CG 20 10 <br /> a. You agree in a written contract or agreement to 07 04 or CG 20 10 04 13, the Additional <br /> include as an additional insured on this Coverage Insured — Owners, Lessees or Contrac- <br /> Part; and tors — Completed Operations endorse- <br /> ment CG 20 37 07 04 or CG 20 37 04 13, <br /> b. Has not been added as an additional insured for or both of such endorsements with either <br /> the same project by attachment of an endorse- of those edition dates; or <br /> ment under this Coverage Part which includes (b) Either or both of the following: the Addi- <br /> such person or organization in the endorsement's tional Insured—Owners, Lessees or Con- <br /> schedule; tractors — Scheduled Person Or Organi- <br /> is an insured, but: zation endorsement CG 20 10, or the Ad- <br /> a. Only with respect to liability for "bodily injury" or ditional Insured — Owners, Lessees or <br /> "property damage" that occurs, or for "personal Contractors — Completed Operations en- <br /> injury" caused by an offense that is committed, dorsement CG 20 37, without an edition <br /> subsequent to the signing of that contract or date of such endorsement specified; <br /> agreement and while that part of the contract or the person or organization is an additional in- <br /> agreement is in effect; and sured only if the injury or damage is caused, <br /> b. Only as described in Paragraph (1), (2) or(3) be- in whole or in part, by acts or omissions of <br /> low, whichever applies: you or your subcontractor in the performance <br /> (1) If the written contract or agreement specifical- of"your work"to which the written contract or <br /> ly requires you to provide additional insured agreement applies; or <br /> coverage to that person or organization by (3) If neither Paragraph(1) nor(2)above applies: <br /> the use of: (a) The person or organization is an addi- <br /> (a) The Additional Insured — Owners, Les- tional insured only if, and to the extent <br /> sees or Contractors— (Form B) endorse- that, the injury or damage is caused by <br /> merit CG 20 10 11 85; or acts or omissions of you or your subcon- <br /> (b) Either or both of the following: the Addi- tractor in the performance of "your work" <br /> tional Insured—Owners, Lessees or Con- to which the written contract or agree- <br /> tractors — Scheduled Person Or Organi- ment applies; and <br /> zation endorsement CG 20 10 10 01, or (b) Such person or organization does not <br /> the Additional Insured —Owners, Lessees qualify as an additional insured with re- <br /> or Contractors — Completed Operations spect to the independent acts or omis- <br /> endorsement CG 20 37 10 01; sions of such person or organization. <br /> the person or organization is an additional in- The insurance provided to such additional insured is <br /> sured only if the injury or damage arises out subject to the following provisions: <br /> of"your work"to which the written contract or a. If the Limits of Insurance of this Coverage Part <br /> agreement applies; shown in the Declarations exceed the minimum <br /> (2) If the written contract or agreement specifical- limits required by the written contract or agree- <br /> ly requires you to provide additional insured ment, the insurance provided to the additional in- <br /> coverage to that person or organization by sured will be limited to such minimum required <br /> the use of: limits. For the purposes of determining whether <br /> CG D6 04 02 19 Page 1 of 2 <br />