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Policy# P-630-5X487435 <br /> COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br /> This exclusion does not apply to "personal against a civil or alternative dispute <br /> injury"caused by malicious prosecution. resolution proceeding in which <br /> b. Material Published With Knowledge Of damages to which this insurance <br /> Falsity applies are alleged. <br /> "Personal and advertising injury' arising out of f. Breach Of Contract <br /> oral or written publication, including publication "Advertising injury' arising out of a breach of <br /> by electronic means,of material, if done by or at contract. <br /> the direction of the insured with knowledge of <br /> its falsity. g• Quality Or Performance Of Goods—Failure <br /> To Conform To Statements <br /> c. Material Published Or Used Prior To Policy "Advertising injury' arising out of the failure of <br /> Period goods, products or services to conform with <br /> (1) "Personal and advertising injury'arising out any statement of quality or performance made <br /> of oral or written publication, including in your"advertisement". <br /> publication by electronic means,of material h. Wrong Description Of Prices <br /> whose first publication took place before <br /> the beginning of the policy period; or "Advertising injury' arising out of the wrong <br /> description of the price of goods, products or <br /> (2) "Advertising injury' arising out of services stated in your"advertisement". <br /> infringement of copyright, "title"or"slogan" <br /> in your "advertisement' whose first i. Intellectual Property <br /> infringement in your "advertisement' was "Personal and advertising injury' arising out of <br /> committed before the beginning of the any actual or alleged infringement or violation of <br /> policy period. any of the following rights or laws, or any other <br /> d. Criminal Acts "personal and advertising injury' alleged in any <br /> claim or "suit' that also alleges any such <br /> "Personal and advertising injury'arising out of a infringement or violation: <br /> criminal act committed by or at the direction of <br /> the insured. (1) Copyright; <br /> e. Contractual Liability (2) Patent; <br /> "Personal and advertising injury' for which the (3) Trade dress; <br /> insured has assumed liability in a contractor (4) Trade name; <br /> agreement. This exclusion does not apply to (5) Trademark; <br /> liability for damages: <br /> (1) That the insured would have in the absence (6) Trade secret; or <br /> of the contract or agreement; or (7) Other intellectual property rights or laws. <br /> (2) Because of "personal injury' assumed by This exclusion does not apply to: <br /> you in a contract or agreement that is an (1) "Advertising injury'arising out of any actual <br /> "insured contracf', provided that the or alleged infringement or violation of <br /> "personal injury' is caused by an offense another's copyright, "title" or "slogan" in <br /> committed subsequent to the execution of your"advertisement"; or <br /> the contract or agreement. Solely for the <br /> purposes of liability assumed by you in an (2) Any other "personal and advertising injury' <br /> "insured contract", reasonable attorneys' alleged in any claim or "suit' that also <br /> fees and necessary litigation expenses alleges any such infringement or violation <br /> incurred by or for a party other than an of another's copyright, "title" or"slogan" in <br /> insured will be deemed to be damages your"advertisement". <br /> because of"personal injury', provided that: j. Insureds In Media And Internet Type <br /> (a) Liability to such party for, or for the Businesses <br /> cost of, that partys defense has also "Personal and advertising injury' caused by an <br /> been assumed by you in the same offense committed by an insured whose <br /> "insured contract"; and business is: <br /> (b) Such attorneys' fees and litigation <br /> expenses are for defense of that party (1) Advertising, "broadcasting"or publishing; <br /> CG T1 00 0219 ©2017 The Travelers Indemnity Company.All rights reserved. Page 7 of 21 <br /> Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc.with its permission. <br />