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Policy# P-630-5X487435 <br /> COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br /> d. Vehicles, whether self-propelled or not, b. An act or omission committed in providing or <br /> maintained primarily to provide mobility to failing to provide first aid or "Good Samaritan <br /> permanently mounted: services" to a person, unless you are in the <br /> (1) Power cranes, shovels, loaders, diggers or business or occupation of providing <br /> drills; or professional health care services. <br /> (2) Road construction or resurfacing 18. "Personal and advertising injury' means "personal <br /> equipment such as graders, scrapers or injury'or"advertising injury'. <br /> rollers; <br /> 19. "Personal injury': <br /> e. Vehicles not described in Paragraph a., b., c. <br /> or d. above that are not self-propelled and are a. Means injury, other than "advertising injury', <br /> maintained primarily to provide mobility to caused by one or more of the following <br /> permanently attached equipment of the offenses: <br /> following types: (1) False arrest,detention or imprisonment; <br /> (1) Air compressors, pumps and generators, <br /> including spraying, welding, building (2) Malicious prosecution; <br /> cleaning, geophysical e)ploration, lighting (3) The wrongful eviction from, wrongful entry <br /> and well servicing equipment;or into, or invasion of the right of private <br /> (2) Cherry pickers and similar devices used to occupancy of a room, dwelling or premises <br /> raise or lower workers; that a person occupies, provided that the <br /> f. Vehicles not described in Paragraph a., b., c. wrongful eviction,wrongful entry or invasion <br /> or d. above maintained primarily for purposes of the right of private occupancy is <br /> other than the transportation of persons or committed by or on behalf of the owner, <br /> cargo. landlord or lessor of that room, dwelling or <br /> However, self-propelled vehicles with the premises; <br /> following types of permanently attached (4) Oral or written publication, including <br /> equipment are not "mobile equipment" but will publication by electronic means, of material <br /> be considered"autos": that slanders or libels a person or <br /> (1) Equipment designed primarilyfor: organization or disparages a person's or <br /> organization's goods, products or services, <br /> (a) Snow removal; provided that the claim is made or the"suit" <br /> (b) Road maintenance, but not is brought by a person or organization that <br /> construction or resurfacing;or claims to have been slandered or libeled, or <br /> (c) Street cleaning; that claims to have had its goods, products <br /> (2) Cherry pickers and similar devices or services disparaged;or <br /> mounted on automobile or truck chassis (5) Oral or written publication, including <br /> and used to raise or lower workers; and publication by electronic means, of material <br /> (3) Air compressors, pumps and generators, that: <br /> including spraying, welding, building (a) Appropriates a person's name, voice, <br /> cleaning, geophysical e)ploration, lighting photograph or likeness; or <br /> and well servicing equipment. <br /> However, "mobile equipment" does not include any (b) Unreasonably places a person in a <br /> land vehicle that is subject to a compulsory or false light. <br /> financial responsibility law, or other motor vehicle b. Includes "bodily injury' caused by one or more <br /> insurance law, where it is licensed or principally of the offenses described in Paragraph a. <br /> garaged. Such land vehicles are considered above. <br /> "autos". 20. "Pollutants" mean any solid, liquid, gaseous or <br /> 17. "Occurrence"means: thermal irritant or contaminant, including smoke, <br /> a. An accident, including continuous or repeated vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals and <br /> e)posure to substantially the same general waste. Waste includes materials to be recycled, <br /> harmful conditions; or reconditioned or reclaimed. <br /> CG T1 00 0219 ©2017 The Travelers Indemnity Company.All rights reserved. Page 19 of 21 <br /> Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.with its permission. <br />