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From: Higgins, Taig <br />Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2022 9:16 AM <br />To: 'Caroline La' <br />Cc: Saba, Nabil <,iS,� >; e rlrR ,J Z�(fcj f" <br />xon; Soto, Yvonne <br />Subject: RE: 2383 N. Flower Alley - Request for Vacating <br />Hi Caroline, <br />We can definitely meet at the site. The appointment system is for the City's public counters so, you don't need to use that for the <br />field meeting. Instead, later today, we will provide some times within the next three weeks to meet. (Please do use the appointment <br />for your visit to the PWA Development Engineering Counter to submit the processing fee and the plot plan.) <br />Speaking of the processing fee: thanks for your question. To hopefully clarify, with the initial submittal, we collect a $6468 <br />processing fee as noted previously. We don't collect aseparate deposit. The term "deposit" used in the flow chart accommodates <br />the possibility that a processing fee is refunded to the applicant if the Development Review Committee (Public Works, Planning and <br />Building, Police, Fire, other agencies) do not recommend approval and the vacation process stops at that point. If the DRC does not <br />recommend approval, but you would like US to Continue through to the City Council public hearing, the processing fee would not be <br />refunded, We wiR take this opportunity to change the flow chart to clarify. <br />Please let me know if you have follow, questions. Thanks. <br />Taig <br />