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Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Correspondence - Non-Agenda
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3/28/2024 11:52:29 AM
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1/22/2024 8:34:32 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
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MR. AND MRS. RICHARD KIMBALL <br />2450 North Park Boulevard <br />Santa Ana, California 92706 <br />(714) 542-5953 <br />Internet E-Mail: tonWmball@outlooLcom <br />I previously wrote you about my concerns regarding the Alleyway, I would like to restate them now: It is also my <br />understanding (again, I can be mistaken), if one of the five home owners bordering the Alley is against the closure <br />of the Alley, this proposal is a moot issue. However, if this is not true, I'm concerned about many things closing this <br />property off to through traffic may bring: <br />• What the closure of the property will look like <br />• Who will be responsible for the closure <br />• Who will pay for the closure <br />• How will the current homeowners of property be able to have access to their driveways <br />• Who will be responsible for any cleanup from traffic confusion and accidents this will cause <br />• Is this the beginning of closing off our public streets? Please remember Floral Park is in the City of Santa Ana, <br />in the County of Orange, in the State of California <br />• How will this closure affect the property taxes of the current homes that are on the Alley <br />• How will this affect Floral Park's status as an Historic Neighborhood, this will create a major change in the <br />neighborhood, and I believe that can and will remove us from the list. <br />At this time I would like to add a few more concerns since this closure has now been decided. <br />There has never been a homeless problem in this Alleyway. It has always been keep clean with the exception of <br />transient fruit. <br />• Since a block wall will be built, this will, of course, bring human transients in who will leave excrement and drug <br />\paraphernalia, who will be responsible for clean up <br />• How long will it take before the police arrive (if at all) when there is a problem <br />• Who will be responsible for the additional four affected houses when there are problems <br />Thank you for your time, I do hope you understand our concern about leaving our public streets exactly that, public <br />streets. <br />Sincerely, <br />Toni Kimball <br /> <br />Santa Ana, California 92706 <br />tk alley 1.1tr <br />
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