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From: Caroline La <br />Sent: Wednesday, : 1(ut <br />To: Saba, Nabil <br />Cc ^riEc,4l0, 1 �!L;_ri+err @ray¢ cacr;Ridge, Kristine rtri:L* rt yris rpgel <br />y;Higgins,Taig<l�fIrt;rz.-� �niaar�,.��';Lopez, <br />Jessie<Rt l�lL,.:<,er arh;o-�orra�" Phan, Thai CC Chan(, s"g> <br />Subject: Re: 2383 N. Flower Alley - Request for Vacating <br />Good Morning Nabil: <br />Thank you for taking the time to provide us this timeline; it seems consistent with the published Non -Summary Vacation <br />Flowchart we reviewed (attached). What are the hours and what is the office or desk location where you would like us to make <br />the deposit? My apologies for not knowing how or where to best do so when the application form was submitted. The Flowchart <br />also indicates the deposit collected with the application is returned if no approval is recommended — do you have any reason to <br />contradict this? <br />Secondly, the opening words of your email no doubt intentionally brand the "City owned alley located at 2383 N. Flower"_ <br />particularly in light of the findings in the third party title guarantee which was forwarded over upon our receipt of same, why or <br />upon what authority do you maintain this portion of land is nevertheless owned by the People of the State of California/City? I <br />renew my request for impartiality, <br />Attached is a copy of the Grant Deed. We will submit the last item as called for in the Application, a sketch or plot plan indicating <br />exact dimensions of requested area to be abandoned, in a timely manner in -person, along with deposit. For everyone's <br />edification, we were yesterday rn °zrritten contact avfflj our fora neighbors -- though there were definitely inquMes they had for <br />Your office„ NabH/Taig/Yvonne (namely privatization of the entire alley a ather Chian any half), not a sungle person expressed to <br />pour office c;ategoria. opposutiom About ttoas, d^'weyo were adarnant, Obed Garci,a-Colato of 2384 Hehotrope kindly suggests ra group <br />rrieeting veith your office or repiesentatWe so as to etimlinate delay or misunderstanding. Please advise of your office hours <br />(and/or appropriate contact) for this eventuality. <br />