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RESOLUTION NO. 2023-051 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA ADOPTING LOCAL CEQA GUIDELINES FOR IMPLEMENTING <br />THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE <br />SECTIONS 21000 ET SEQ.) <br />**END OF CONSENT CALENDAR** <br />BUSINESS CALENDAR <br />MINUTES: At 9:42 P.M. the Business Calendar was considered. <br />23.Adopt a Resolution and Approve an Agreement Authorizing Police Corporal Joshua <br />Gripentrog to Purchase a Retired Santa Ana Police Department K-9, and Accepting <br />the Donation of a Police K-9 from Johanna Scillieri for the Santa Ana Police <br />Department K-9 Program <br />Department(s): Police Department <br />Recommended Action: <br />1. Adopt a resolution authorizing the purchase agreement between Santa Ana Police <br />Corporal Joshua Gripentrog and the City of Santa Ana for the sale of a retired Santa <br />Ana Police Department K-9, and accepting the donation of a Police K-9, equipment, <br />and supplies from Johanna Scillieri for the Santa Ana Police Department's K-9 <br />Program. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2023-052 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF <br />THE CITY OF SANTA ANA AUTHORIZING THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN POLICE <br />OFFICER GRIPENTROG AND THE CITY OF SANTA ANA RELATING TO THE <br />PURCHASE OF A POLICE K-9 AND ACCEPTING THE DONATION OF A POLICE <br />K-9, EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES FROM JOHANNA SCILLIERI FOR THE SANTA <br />ANA POLICE DEPARTMENT K-9 PROGRAM <br />2. Authorize the City Manager to execute a purchase agreement with Santa Ana Police <br />Corporal Joshua Gripentrog for the sale of a retired Police Department K-9 in the <br />amount of $1, subject to non -substantive changes approved by the City Manager and <br />City Attorney (Agreement No. A-2023-142). <br />MOTION: Councilmember Penaloza moved to approve the recommended action <br />for Item No. 23, seconded by Mayor Amezcua. <br />The motion carried, 7-0, by the following roll call vote: <br />AYES: COUNCILMEMBER BACERRA, COUNCILMEMBER <br />HERNANDEZ, COUNCILMEMBER PENALOZA, <br />COUNCILMEMBER PHAN, COUNCILMEMBER VAZQUEZ, <br />MAYOR PRO TEM LOPEZ, MAYOR AMEZCUA <br />NOES: NONE <br />City Council 14 8/1/2023 <br />City Council 9 — 14 2/20/2024 <br />