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**END OF BUSINESS CALENDAR** <br />COUNCILMEMBER REQUESTED ITEMS <br />25. Discuss and Consider Directing the City Manager to Re -consider Fees for <br />Registering Events and Reserving Facilities to Create a Community -Friendly <br />Atmosphere — Councilmember Hernandez <br />MINUTES: Councilmember Hernandez thanked public speakers who participated in the <br />public comments and proposed to decrease fees for Neighborhood Association events. <br />Councilmember Phan spoke in opposition to Councilmember Hernandez's proposition. <br />Councilmember Vazquez spoke in support of the item in question. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lopez spoke in support of the item. <br />Councilmember Penaloza spoke in opposition to reconsidering fees for community <br />facilities. <br />Councilmember Bacerra stated he would not be supporting the item. <br />Mayor Amezcua closed the discussion by recalling the City Manager's comment that there <br />is no money in the budget and stated she would not be supporting the item due to <br />insufficient funds. <br />City Manager Kristine Ridge stated there is no majority support for the item to be returned. <br />26. Discuss and Consider Directing the City Manager to Return for City Council's <br />Consideration a Resolution in Support of AB1306 to Harmonize State Policy with <br />Broadly -Supported, Existing Criminal -Justice Reforms — Councilmember Vazquez <br />MINUTES: Councilmember Vazquez spoke regarding AB1306 and requested Council's <br />support. <br />Councilmember Hernandez and Councilmember Phan voiced support on the item. <br />Councilmember Penaloza asked Councilmember Vazquez for clarification and example(s) <br />where the resolution would apply. <br />Councilmember Vazquez provided examples to justify the item. <br />Councilmember Penaloza stated he would not support the item. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lopez expressed support of the item. <br />City Council 19 8/1/2023 <br />City Council 9 — 19 2/20/2024 <br />