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9. Award a Construction Contract to Hardy & Harper, Inc. in the Amount of <br />$1,400,000 for the Alton Avenue Rehabilitation from Main Street to Standard <br />Avenue Project, with an Estimated Project Delivery Cost of $1,750,000 (Project <br />No. 21-6975) (Non -General Fund) <br />Department(s): Public Works Agency <br />Recommended Action: 1. Authorize the reallocation of S131 funds from the Euclid <br />Rehabilitation from First Street to Hazard Avenue Improvement Project for a total <br />amount of $1,037,000 to the Alton Avenue Rehabilitation from Main Street to Standard <br />Avenue Project to complete the project funding requirement. <br />2. Award a construction contract to Hardy & Harper, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder, <br />in accordance with the base bid in the amount of $1,400,000, subject to change orders <br />(not to exceed 25% of the base bid amount) in accordance with the Greenbook: <br />Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, for construction of the Alton <br />Avenue Rehabilitation from Main Street to Standard Avenue Project for a term <br />beginning August 29, 2023 and ending upon project completion, and authorize the City <br />Manager to execute the contract subject to non -substantive changes approved by the <br />City Manager and the City Attorney. <br />3. Approve the Project Cost Analysis for a total estimated construction delivery cost of <br />$1,750,000, which includes $1,400,000 for the construction contract; $210, 000 for <br />contract administration, inspection, and testing; and a $140,000 project contingency <br />for unanticipated or unforeseen work. <br />4. Determine that the recommended actions are exempt from further review in <br />accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act as Categorical Exemption <br />Environmental Review No. ER-2021-43 was filed for the project. <br />10.Award a Construction Contract to Kalban, Inc. in the Amount of $3,037,800 for <br />the Alley Improvements Program with an Estimated Project Delivery Cost of <br />$4,252,820 (Project No. 23-6910) (M2 Local Fairshare) (General Fund) <br />Department(s): Public Works Agency <br />Recommended Action: 1. Authorize the reallocation of unspent Measure M2 Local <br />Fairshare funds from various projects: $143,017 from Alley Improvement Program <br />FY2018-19, $818,083 from Alley Improvement Program FY2021-22 for a total of <br />$961,100 to the Alley Improvements Program Project to complete the project's funding <br />requirement. <br />2. Award a construction contract to Kalban, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder, in <br />accordance with the base bid in the amount of $3,037,800, subject to a change order <br />(not -to -exceed 25 percent of the base bid) in accordance with the 2021 Greenbook: <br />Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction for construction of the Alley <br />Improvements Program Project, for the term beginning August 29, 2023 and ending <br />upon project completion, and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract <br />subject to non -substantive changes approved by the City Manager and the City <br />Attorney. <br />CITY COUNCIL 7 8/29/2023 <br />City Council 9 — 53 2/20/2024 <br />