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MOTION: Moved by Councilmember Hernandez to not approve the agreement <br />and direct staff to explore options, seconded by Councilmember Vazquez. <br />Councilmember Phan requested clarification regarding the usage of Lexipol <br />templates and the Master Service Agreement. <br />Councilmember Bacerra spoke regarding the process of evaluating the templates <br />provided to the City. <br />Police Chief David Valentin spoke regarding Lexipol's policies. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lopez requested clarification regarding policy and training approval. <br />Councilmember Hernandez expressed concern regarding Lexipols policies and the <br />impacts to the City. <br />Chief Valentin provided clarification regarding the policies that Lexipol did not have in <br />place. <br />Councilmember Hernandez questioned the need for Lexipol due to the minimal <br />implemented policies. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lopez asked regarding the spotlight policy Lexipol provided in their <br />manual. <br />Chief Valentin shared the implementation of policies and the services available. <br />City Manager Kristine Ridge clarified that the previous contract brought forward to <br />Council was to add an additional jail module, and not the master agreement with <br />Lexipol. She provided Council an update on the process of getting the Police <br />Oversight Commission up and running for them to review all operating policies and <br />procedures of the Police Department. <br />Councilmember Phan asked regarding the termination of contract. <br />Chief Assistant City Attorney John Funk clarified that the termination clause requires <br />60 day written notice. <br />SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Councilmember Phan moved to approve the <br />recommended action for Item No. 14, and direct staff to work with the Police <br />Oversight Commission and return in a year with options, seconded by <br />Councilmember Bacerra. <br />The substitute motion failed, 3 — 3 — 0 — 1 , by the following roll call vote: <br />CITY COUNCIL 10 8/29/2023 <br />City Council 9 — 56 2/20/2024 <br />