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19. Inspection of Perimeter Fence — Daily, the Contractor shall inspect the integrity of the <br />chain link perimeter fence for breaches and advise the Zoo Director or CR of issues. <br />20. Trimming and Weed Removal within Exhibits — <br />a. Quarterly, the Contractor shall blow -off leaf litter accumulating on animal <br />exhibit roofs, netting, cages, etc. including, but not limited to, Colors of the <br />Amazon Bird Aviary. <br />b. Monthly, the Contractor shall inspect plant material in the animal exhibits for <br />damage to the netting and trim plants pushing through animal exhibit roofs, <br />netting, cages, etc. to prevent damage. <br />c. Contractor shall perform weed removal in the Anteater and Amazon's Edge <br />exhibits. <br />21. Pressure Washing - The Contractor shall perform weekly and as necessary pressure <br />washing of paved areas, site furniture, drinking fountains, etc. in the cafe eating area. <br />22. Resetting Seating — The Contractor shall, Monday through Sunday, before 10:00 am <br />each morning, reset all tables and chairs in the Zoo. <br />23. Blowing -Off Exhibits — The Contractor shall blow-off/clean animal exhibit roofs, <br />netting, cages, etc. on a routine basis. Prior to performance, the Contractor shall <br />coordinate with the CR. <br />24. Storm Drain Maintenance — The Contractor shall continuously maintain the Zoo's <br />storm/area drains, including the filter fiber by keeping them clean and free of debris. <br />The Contractor shall change the storm/area drains filter fiber, which shall be provided <br />by the Zoo, as necessary. <br />25. Weekly Meeting — The contractor shall plan to have a standing weekly meeting with <br />the CR and involve the IPM representative in the meeting. <br />26. All IPM and Agricultural pest control services at the Zoo only shall be performed <br />under a separate agreement by a state licensed/certified agricultural pest control <br />QAL licensed company. <br />RFP 23-151 Landscape Maintenance Services Page 75 of 135 <br />