starting or completing. AEW's will state the hourly rate of each laborer and
<br />trade to make the repairs, sample sheet attached. However, in case of a
<br />callback for workmanship failures approved through the AEW, the city will
<br />deduct a similar rate to make the corrections via a failure to perform (FTP).
<br />15. ET: Evapotranspiration, or the water lost from a plant system due to
<br />evaporation from soil or transpiration of water through the plant.
<br />16. Casual Turf: All grass locations which are primarily used for leisure activities
<br />and not used for sports. Not sports or priority
<br />17. Green Waste: Any waste from vegetation, including but not limited to: tree
<br />trimmings, grass cuttings, dead plants, leaves, branches, wood and dead
<br />trees, and similar materials naturally occurring within the subject areas, or
<br />generated as a result of services provided by Contractor. "Clean Green
<br />Waste" shall not contain more than 10% contaminants.
<br />18. Hardscape (or Hardscapes, Hardscape Areas): Sidewalks, walkways, patios,
<br />quads, game courts, bike paths, paved areas, and like surfaces.
<br />19. Hazard: Anything likely to cause a person or animal harm.
<br />20. Homeless imprint: An area defined by belongings, including personal items
<br />such as tents, carts, tarps, blankets, furniture, and food, which appears to be
<br />a settled area.
<br />21. Initial Cleaning (or Operation): The first cleaning or first maintenance
<br />operation of several scheduled for a given day.
<br />22. Interior Roads: Roads that are contained within the boundaries of a given area.
<br />23. Litter: All paper, plastic, cans, bottles, or other material discarded in or on any
<br />location within the Contract area other than in a trash container provided for
<br />that purpose.
<br />24. Non -emergency: An unplanned service requirement that needs additional
<br />attention in a prescribed period.
<br />25. Pesticide: Products that prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate a pest, orwhich are
<br />plant regulators, defoliants, desiccants, or nitrogen stabilizers. A registered
<br />chemical is identified using an EPA and/or Cal Registration Number, or both.
<br />26. Recyclable Material: Plastic, glass, or aluminum materials have economic
<br />value when separated from trash.
<br />27. Repair or Replace: Equipment or property shall be repaired or replaced as
<br />determined by the City with like kind and quality. The intent is to maintain the
<br />equipment or property in good condition and consistent with the current model
<br />brand or manufacturer.
<br />28. ROC: Rail Operations Center.
<br />29. ROW: Right-of-way.
<br />30. SDS: Safety Data Sheet
<br />31. Spot Cleaning: The cleaning of only those portions of a floor, walkway, wall,
<br />fixture, table, furnishing, handrail, bench, or other surface(s) which are soiled
<br />(dirty, stained, marked, smudged, etc.), where the entire surface may not be
<br />sufficiently soiled to warrant cleaning the entire surface. The contractor shall
<br />