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ServIcePIus Support Services Agreement AVOC2"i 4-e <br />"Service Delivery Manager" means the Avocette resource responsible for ensuring CLIENT service <br />levels are met and that CLIENT remains satisfied with the service being provided. The Service Delivery <br />Manager manages the support team, ensures adequate coverage Is In place, provides communication to <br />CLIENT during incident recovery periods, and prepares the Service Level Reports. The Service Delivery <br />Manager is present at Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Service Level review meetings at CLIENT. <br />"Service Levels" means the operational performance required of, and guaranteed by, the VENDOR in <br />the delivery of the Services, as set out in Section 2. <br />"Service Management Reporting" means the design, generation and delivery by the VENDOR of <br />reports and reporting sufficient to meet CLIENT's operational management requirements for the Services. <br />"Service Request" means a formal request Issued by CLIENT for maintenance (upgrades, preventative <br />maintenance) and enhancements. <br />Service Requests are developed by CLIENT and typically include the description of the requested <br />service, scope, expected deliverables and timeline expectations. Avocette will provide estimates for <br />Service Requests within 5 business days. All service requests are sent to the Avocette Service Desk and <br />given a unique tracking number. <br />"Standard Business Day" will be 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday, not including Statutory <br />Holidays. <br />"Statutory Holidays" — In the United States means New Year's day, Martin Luther King day, Presidents <br />Day, Memorial day, Independence day, Columbus Day, Veteran's day, Thanksgiving day, Christmas day, <br />Christmas day holiday and in Canada means New Year's Day, Family Day (including Islander day, Louis <br />Riel day, Viola Desmond day), Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Civic holiday <br />(including AB, BC, SK, ON, NB, NU), Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas <br />Day, and Boxing Day. <br />"Support Team" means the Avocette resources that are involved in the day to day support of the <br />Supported Application Components. <br />"Ticket" is a generic term for a unique tracking number that is generated by the Customer Service <br />Contra or Avocette's service request management application. <br />A-2 <br />