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ENDORSEMENT <br />ADDITIONAL COVERED PARTY <br />COVERED PARTY COVERAGE DOCUMENT ADMINISTRATOR <br />Rancho Santiago Community College D stridBWC 01515-02 Keenan & Associates <br />Subject to all its terms, conditions, exclusions, and endorsements, such additional <br />covered party as is afforded by the coverage document shall also apply to the following <br />entity but only as respects to liability arising directly from the actions and activities of the <br />covered party described under "as respects' below. <br />Additional Covered Party <br />City of Santa Ana <br />P. Box 1988 <br />20 Civic Center Plaza (M-30) <br />Santa Ana CA 92702-1988 <br />As respects to the Facilities Use Agreement with Rancho Santiago Community College District for Corbin Center, <br />Southwest Senior Center, Santa Ana Senior Center, Garfield Center, and EI Salvador Center. $2,000,000 <br />annual aggregate, as required by contract. <br />City of Santa Ana, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers are named as Additional Covered Parties, but <br />only as respects to operations under the Agreement are concerned. <br />This coverage shall be primary to the certificate holder's coverage, but only as respects to liability arising directly <br />from the actions and activities of the Covered party. The insurance of the Additional Covered Party shall not be <br />called upon to contribute to a loss covered by the Covered Party's coverage. <br />Authorized Representative <br />xf1,n <br />REVIEWED d, APPROVm BY: <br />Issue Date: 10/18/2023 Tuccy�.caf° <br />® Rik Management AnApt <br />76868281 1 RMCHSAa 1 23/24 Super Pool I Denise Suarez 1 10/18/2023 8:36:2o Pn (PST) I Page 3 of 3 <br />