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Flores, Dora <br />From: Diana Christoffersen < <br />Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2024 10:42 AM <br />To: eComment <br />Subject: Agenda Item No. 24 <br />Attention: This email originated from outside of City of Santa Ana. Use caution when opening attachments or links. <br />I am strongly in favor of instating a City Ordinance that prohibits protests/demonstrations within 300 feet of any private <br />residence. Not only does a protest at a private residence impact that individual and their family, it also <br />impacts/unsettles the safety, peace and quality of everyday life of the surrounding neighbors and a neighborhood in <br />general. I am all for freedom of speech and the right to peacefully protest/demonstrate, but strongly feel that <br />protests/demonstrations should be conducted away from homes/residences and, instead, should be only allowed in <br />public spaces that are beyond 300 feet of any private residence. <br />Diana Christoffersen <br /> <br />Santa Ana, CA 92706 <br />