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d. Ensures that costs are appropriately shared by AJCC Partners by determining contributions <br />based on the proportionate use of the AJCC centers and relative benefits received, and <br />requiring that all funds are spent solely for allowable purposes in a manner consistent with <br />the applicable authorizing statutes and all other applicable legal requirements, including <br />the Uniform Guidance; and, <br />e. All parties will meet and confer regarding replacement, acquisition, cleaning and <br />maintenance of furnishings. <br />The parties consider this AJCC operating budget the master budget that is necessary to maintain <br />the SAWDB's high -standard AJCC. It includes the following cost categories, as required by <br />WIOA and its implementing regulations: <br />a. Infrastructure costs (also separately outlined below in the Infrastructure Funding <br />Agreement); <br />b. Career services; and <br />c. Shared services. <br />All costs must be included in the MOU, allocated according to the AJCC Partner's proportionate <br />use and relative benefits received, reconciled every six (6) months against actual costs incurred, <br />and adjusted accordingly. The AJCC operating budget is expected to be transparent and negotiated <br />among Partners on an equitable basis to ensure costs are shared appropriately. All Partners must <br />negotiate in good faith and seek to establish outcomes that are reasonable and fair. All Partners <br />must adhere and reference the rules and regulations included in the executed Office Lease, attached <br />hereto as Attachment 5 and incorporated herein by reference. <br />12) INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDING AGREEMENT <br />The Infrastructure Funding Agreement ("IPA") contains the infrastructure costs budget that is an <br />integral component of the overall AJCC operating budget. The IFA is a mandatory component of <br />the local MOU, described in WIOA sec. 121(c) and 20 CFR 678.500 and 678.755. The IFA <br />contains the AJCC Comprehensive Infrastructure Budget, and Other System Cost Budget, included <br />herein as Attachment 3 and incorporated herein by reference, that is an integral component of the <br />overall AJCC operating budget. The other component of the IFA is the Applicable Career Services, <br />attached herein as Attachment 3-1 and incorporated herein by reference, which includes the shared <br />operating costs and shared services. The overall AJCC operating budget includes the <br />Comprehensive Cost Allocation and Partner Contributions, attached herein as Attachment 4 and <br />incorporated herein by reference. <br />AJCC infrastructure costs are defined as non -personnel costs that are necessary for the general <br />operation of the AJCC, including, but not limited to: <br />a. Rental of the facilities; <br />b. Utilities,maintenance and services; <br />c. Equipment, including assessment -related products and assistive technology for individuals <br />with disabilities; and, <br />d. Technology to facilitate access to the AJCC, including technology used for the center's <br />planning and outreach activities. <br />10 <br />