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20 Civic Center Plaza M-25 <br />Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />34) INSURANCE <br />The AJCC Partners agree that their current in force insurance or self-insurance coverage programs <br />shall apply to their operations performed under the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act and at <br />the SAWC, including commercial general liability, property damage liability, business personal <br />property, workers' compensation and employee dishonesty/crime coverages. The City of Santa <br />Ana shall be named as additional insured for such insurance and the coverage shall be primary and <br />non-contributory with regard to the City. <br />35) AUTHORITY AND SIGNATURES <br />The individuals signing this MOU and its attachments, which are incorporated herein by reference, <br />have the authority to commit the party they represent to the terms of this MOU, and do so commit <br />by signing. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Attachment 1: AJCC Partners Location and Map <br />Attachment 2: Santa Ana AJCC Partner Services <br />Attachment 3: AJCC Comprehensive Infrastructure Budget, and Other System Cost Budget <br />Attachment 3-1: Applicable Career Services <br />Attachment 4: Comprehensive Cost Allocation and Partner Contributions <br />Attachment 5: Office Lease <br />..3 <br />