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A. This Line Extension Contract ("Contract") consists of and incorporates by reference the line <br />extension contract letter, Exhibits A, General Conditions and all of SoCalGas's applicable tariff <br />schedules and rules as submitted from time to time with the California Public Utilities Commission <br />("Commission"), including but not limited to, the Preliminary Statement and Rule Nos. 1, 2, 9, 9, 13, <br />20, 21 and 22. Copies of these rules may be obtained by visiting the SoCalGas' Internet site at <br /> or by requesting copies from your SoCalGas representative. <br />B. This contract is at all times subject to such changes or modifications as the Commission may direct <br />from time to time in the exercise of its jurisdiction. <br />C. No agent of SoCalGas has authority to make any terms or representations not contained in this <br />Contract and the tariff schedules and Applicant hereby waives them and agrees neither SoCalGas nor <br />Applicant shall be bound by them. <br />V. JOINT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY <br />Where two or more parties are Applicants for a Project, SoCalGas shall direct all communications, <br />bills and refunds, when applicable, to the designated Applicant, but all Applicants shall be jointly <br />and severally liable to comply with all terms and conditions herein. <br />VI. STUB EXTENSIONS <br />For Applicant(s) receiving allowances, stub costs are refundable only to the extent the allowances <br />generated by stub extensions exceed the main to meter installation costs, and only for ten years from <br />the date of the stub installation. Refunds will be made without interest, and no refund will be made <br />in excess of the amount advanced. <br />VII. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE <br />I£ Applicant is a corporation, partnership, joint venture, or a group of individuals, the subscriber <br />hereto represents that he has the authority to bind said corporation, partners, joint venture, or <br />individuals as the case may be. <br />My signature below represents my agreement and acceptance of the Project confirmation, Exhibit A and <br />Southern California Gas Company's General Conditions For Line Extension. I acknowledge and agree that <br />SoCalGas's cost estimates and allowances, if applicable, for this Project were based on information <br />provided by me or my authorized representative. I further acknowledge and agree that my signature <br />represents my/my company's agreement and understanding that subsequent changes in Project scope may <br />affect the installation price and further, that if allowances have been granted, an additional <br />contribution may be required if the future loads on which the allowances were based do not <br />Address: <br />(Future bills, refunds, and correspondence will be <br />mailed to the address provided) <br />215 S. Center St <br />Santa Ana, CA 92703 <br />Telephone: <br />Social Security or Federal Tax ID No. <br />No. 95-6000785 <br />