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SANTIAGO PARK MAIN STREET CONSTRUCTION <br />residents and visitors will be able to enjoy the interpretive signs that will highlight the critical <br />role that the park plays in sustaining wildlife, even in its urban context. <br />3. Project benefits will be sustainable or resilient over the project lifespan. <br />An important goal of the proposed project is to ensure site improvements are sustained and <br />resilient long into the future. To accomplish this, the design is intentionally minimal, rustic, and <br />suited to the local environment. Drought tolerant and native riparian plants are inherently <br />resilient, require less maintenance, have low irrigation needs, and will ensure the park entrance <br />remains attractive even in potential periods of drought. Re-establishment of vegetation will <br />support local biodiversity and a healthy ecosystem by providing habitat and food for local <br />wildlife including pollinators, birds, and beneficial insects. Additionally, reestablished vegetation <br />will help prevent stormwater runoff by capturing water to infiltrate into the ground aquifer. <br />The selection of materials including natural stone and wood typically have lower environmental <br />impact compared to their synthetic counterparts, which will help reduce the potential carbon <br />footprint of the project. The use of simple materials, along with drought tolerant landscaping <br />will require less maintenance as compared to elaborate or high maintenance designs. This <br />project aims to restore the site to its natural and rustic character, and sustain these <br />improvements into the future. <br />The project goals align with Santa Ana's General Plan Conservation Element of 2022 core value <br />of sustainability. Santa Ana prioritizes land use decisions that benefit future generations, plan <br />for the impacts of climate change, and incorporate sustainable design practices at all levels. <br />Implementation Action 2.2 of the General Plan Conservation Element is to "identify <br />opportunities to enhance the natural qualities of Santiago Creek to protect habitat and <br />reintroduce native plants and animals." The restoration and preservation of the remaining <br />stretches of wilderness habitat at Santiago Park is incredibly important to the City of Santa Ana <br />and its residents. <br />4. Project delivers multiple benefits and significant positive impact. <br />The project seizes the unique opportunity to provide urban greening along one of very few <br />remaining natural streams in Orange County and creates an immersive escape where visitors <br />will forget they are in a city. Coupled with recreation amenities such as archery and lawn <br />bowling, the restoration plans of the trail and enhanced features will provide a safe and <br />welcoming space for all local community members to recreate freely. The project provides <br />access to high quality greenspace for a city with several disadvantaged communities as defined <br />by the California Department of Water Resources. <br />PROJECT FINANCING <br />Coastal Conservancy <br />Project Total <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />$2,807,000 <br />$2,807,000 <br />