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City of Santa Ana <br />Grant Agreement No. 23-155 <br />Page 4 <br />funerary objects, are defined as any items associated with the human remains that are <br />placed or buried with the Native American human remains and are to be treated in the <br />same manner as the remains, but do not by themselves constitute human remains. <br />b. Human remains and gravegoods shall be treated the same per California Public <br />Resources Code Sections 5097.98(d)(1) and (2). <br />If Native American human remains and/or grave goods are discovered or recognized <br />on the project site, then all construction activities shall immediately cease. Health and <br />Safety Code Section 7050.5(b) dictates that any discoveries of human skeletal <br />material shall be immediately reported to the County Coroner and all ground - <br />disturbing activities shall immediately halt and shall remain halted until the coroner <br />has determined the nature of the remains. If the coroner recognizes the human <br />remains to be those of a Native American or has reason to believe they are Native <br />American, he or she shall contact, by telephone within 24 hours, the Native American <br />Heritage Commission. <br />d. If Native American human remains and/or grave goods are discovered or recognized <br />on the project site, grantee and its subcontractor must comply with the rules set forth <br />in Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. <br />e. Other than the entities that grantee and its subcontractors are required to contact by <br />law, including under the Health and Safety Code and Public Resources Code, any <br />discovery of human remains/burial goods shall be kept confidential to prevent further <br />disturbance. <br />IV. TERM OF AGREEMENT <br />This agreement will take effect when signed by both parties and received in the offices of the <br />Conservancy together with the resolution described in section "II. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT <br />TO CONSTRUCTION AND DISBURSEMENT". This agreement may be signed electronically <br />using a process specified by the Conservancy. <br />This agreement terminates on March 31, 2045 ("the termination date") unless terminated early as <br />provided in this agreement. However, the grantee shall complete all work by March 31, 2025 <br />("the completion date"). <br />The grantee shall deliver a final Request for Disbursement to the Conservancy no later than April <br />30, 2025. <br />