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Website <br /> <br />Event Name/Title <br />Showtime Ballet Company Spring Invitational Dance Concert <br />Event Date(s) <br />5/4/24 & 5/5/24 <br />Is this event FREE <br />Yes <br />and OPEN to the <br />public? <br />Event Location(s) <br />DTSA Art Walk, Showtime Dance Academy (410 W 4th St, Santa Ana, <br />92701) <br />Letter/Email from <br />Property Owner (for <br />public art <br />installations, murals, <br />use of city parks, use <br />of spaces for <br />workshops, etc.) <br />What city ward(s) will <br />Ward 2 <br />the event be located <br />Ward 5 <br />(click on link below to <br />find wards)? <br />Number of expected <br />300 <br />attendance for your <br />event <br />Brief Description of <br />We propose the first annual Showtime Ballet Company Invitational Dance <br />Project <br />Concert. We would like to invite other area dance troupes to present their <br />own original works. We plan to invite Santa Ana College Dance, Soul on <br />Fire, SAC Dance Department, Watson Dance, and Backhaus Dance to <br />perform at the First Saturday Art Walk, then offer free workshops the <br />following day at our studio. <br />Describe the <br />We hope that this dance concert will be the first of many. Bringing Santa <br />community benefits <br />Ana dance groups together creates a sense of community instead of <br />of this event <br />competition. Bringing our individual audiences together exposes the Santa <br />Ana community to genres of art they may not have experienced before. <br />The free workshops the following day are a chance for our community to <br />learn part of the dances performed the day before, and for dancers to learn <br />new techniques and styles. The benefit to the dance companies are a <br />platform to share their work, as well as marketing to new audiences. <br />Amount Requested <br />2750.0 <br />Proposed Use of Showtime Ballet Company dancers: $750 ($25/hour x 6 hours x 5 dancers) <br />Funds Guest Company stipends: $1500 <br />Liability Insurance: $150 <br />Marketing: $250 <br />Director's Stipend: $100 <br />