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Item 26 - Adoption of the City of Santa Ana Emergency Operations Plan
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 26 - Adoption of the City of Santa Ana Emergency Operations Plan
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City of Santa Ana Emergency Operations Plan <br />Part I Basic Plan <br />generating equipment may also reduce the available supply, and there may be a combination of reduced supply <br />during a time of extreme demand. <br />CA ISO will classify power shortage emergencies into Stages and will deliver various Alerts and Warnings to <br />government agencies and to the public based on the timing and severity of the forecasted shortfall. However, it <br />must be noted, if there is a rapid or unanticipated spike in demand or loss of supply, CA ISO may not have time <br />to deliver these warnings before outages occur, or may advance rapidly through stages or skip stages altogether. <br />CA ISO Alerts and Warnings <br />ISO Notice <br />Condition <br />Flex Alert <br />Less than 7% operating reserve is forecast in the next 24 hours <br />Warning <br />Less than 7% operating reserve is forecast in the next 1 hour <br />Energy Emergency Alert 1 <br />(Stage 1 Emergency) <br />Less than 7% operating reserve is occurring <br />Energy Emergency Alert 2 <br />(Stage 2 Emergency) <br />Less than 5% operating reserve is occurring <br />Energy Emergency Alert 3 <br />(Stage 3 Emergency) <br />Less than 3% operating reserve is occurring <br />Flex Alert ā A Flex Alert is issued when the operating reserve is forecast to fall below 7% in the next 24 hours. <br />This means consumers will be using more than 93% of the power that utilities are capable of producing. A Flex <br />Alert is an urgent call to consumers to immediately begin to conserve electricity and to shift demand to off-peak <br />hours (off-peak hours are after 6:00 PM, when most energy -consuming offices, schools, businesses and industries <br />have closed for the day and outside temperatures are beginning to cool). Flex Alert is a public awareness and <br />emergency alert program funded by the utilities and initiated by CA ISO. CA ISO will notify all news media <br />outlets (TV, radio, print and online) and begin airing television and radio ads and social media posts encouraging <br />consumers to begin conserving electricity, while there is still time to avoid outages. Consumers are asked to <br />minimize or postpone to off-peak hours use of air conditioning, fans, lighting and any other electrical appliances <br />and to minimize water use, as water utilities consume electricity to deliver water. <br />Warning - A Warning is issued when operating reserves are forecast to fall below 7% in the next 1 hour. A <br />Warning is not a new stage, it is a notification that the Flex Alert is not yet working and Emergency Stages are <br />imminent. <br />Energy Emergency Alert Iā An Energy Emergency Alert 1 (also called Stage 1 Emergency) is declared when <br />operating reserves have fallen below 7% (consumers are currently using more than 93% of available supply). At <br />this time, CA ISO will raise the conservation messaging to consumers to a more assertive level, with more <br />prominent radio and TV ads and may utilize news crawls at the bottom of TV screens or activate Emergency Alert <br />System broadcasts to break into regularly scheduled TV and radio programs. The City may utilize the AlertOC <br />mass notification system to directly notify our residents and businesses. An Energy Emergency Alert 1 is a <br />notification that power outages are imminent. <br />Energy Emergency Alert 2 - An Energy Emergency Alert 2 (also called Stage 2 Emergency) is declared when <br />operating reserves have fallen below 5%. Stage 2 Emergencies continue the assertive public messaging of Flex <br />Alerts and Energy Emergency Alert 1's. Utilities will begin shutting off electricity to large businesses who have <br />volunteered for this in exchange for rebates on their electricity bill. Programs for homeowners who have <br />volunteered to have their air conditioning curtailed in exchange for rebates will also be activated. Electric utilities <br />will begin drawing increased power supply away from other utilities throughout the western United States to <br />bolster supply here, which may require conservation measures to begin in those other regions. <br />Energy Emergency Alert 3 - An Energy Emergency Alert 3 (also called Stage 3 Emergency) is declared when <br />operating reserves have fallen below 3%. Electricity customers pre -identified as large consumers, such as factories <br />or heavy machinery operators, will be shut down involuntarily. Rotating power outages will begin within one <br />hour if power supply does not stabilize rapidly. <br />65 <br />
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