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Item 28 - Extension of Moratorium on the Approv., Commenc., Establish., Reloc., or Expans. of Indus. Uses
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 28 - Extension of Moratorium on the Approv., Commenc., Establish., Reloc., or Expans. of Indus. Uses
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Last modified
5/16/2024 12:02:55 PM
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5/16/2024 11:44:26 AM
City Clerk
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Transit Zoning Code Urgency Interim Ordinance (Moratorium) <br />April 16, 2024 <br />Page 3 <br />4 <br />1 <br />8 <br />7 <br />design standards; encourage alternative modes of transportation; provide for a range of <br />housing options; and allow for the reuse of existing structures. <br />Moreover, the TZC provided new zoning for all of the properties contained within its <br />boundary with the exception of those properties zoned Light Industrial (M1) or Heavy <br />Industrial (M2). These M1 and M2 properties retained their existing zoning, but were <br />covered by two overlay zones that allows for the option of future mixed-use <br />development to be exercised at the discretion of the property owner. In support of the <br />TZC, the City Council also approved a General Plan amendment, establishing <br />numerous mixed-use General Plan land use designations for the entirety of the TZC. In <br />these industrial overlay areas, however, the resulting new General Plan land use <br />designations immediately resulted in zoning inconsistencies and land use conflicts <br />between the new General Plan land use designations and the industrial overlays. <br />Since 2010, and specifically in the Logan and Lacy neighborhoods, these industrial <br />uses have remained, changed ownership, undergone expansions or intensifications, <br />and created numerous land use conflicts and disturbances that affect surrounding <br />residential communities. Specifically, in the Logan neighborhood alone, these land uses <br />create quality of life, health and safety, and other trespass issues for residential <br />properties that often directly abut these industrial land uses. These issues include <br />odors, dust, traffic, noise, vibrations, and other documented impacts that have taken <br />place for nearly a decade and a half, despite the change in underlying General Plan <br />land use designation. <br />Comprehensive Zoning Code Update <br />The City Council approved a contract with Moore, Iacofano, Goltsman, Inc. (MIG) on <br />October 17, 2023. To ensure the City’s Zoning Code and General Plan are consistent, <br />and to maintain compliance with state law, comprehensive amendments to the Zoning <br />Code are required. Necessary amendments include the creation of new zoning district <br />designations and corresponding development standards; updates to the definitions, <br />signage, nonconforming, and parking sections; reorganization of the entire Zoning Code <br />to a more user-friendly format; and new standards to reflect new land use trends, <br />economic development trends, and land use goals of the City. <br />MIG and City staff have conducted extensive community outreach, stakeholder <br />interviews, and reviews of existing zoning-related codes and policies in Santa Ana. These <br />early efforts have indicated that the irreconcilable land use conflicts and land use <br />inconsistencies in the TZC area are among the top, most pressing topics that must be <br />addressed as part of the comprehensive Zoning Code Update process in order to protect <br />the health, safety, and welfare of the most vulnerable communities that face the impacts <br />of the land use conflicts within the TZC area.
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