11/12/2014 santa - ana.org/opengov / calendar /pd /crojas_C alendar.htmI
<br />Cortez, Robert; Mousavipour, Fred; Gutierrez, Francisco; Haluza, Karen;
<br />Huizar, Maria; Reenders, Kelly; Mouet, Gerardo; Raya, Edward; Rojas,
<br />Carlos; Lawrence, Mark; Flores, Alma; Garcia, Jorge (CIVIC); Macedonio,
<br />Margarita; Huizar, Ana; Barela, Rosa; Christensen, Angi; Flores, Rosa;
<br />Gallardo, Liduvina; Gerardo, Karen; Greene, Eileen; Ennis, Heather;
<br />Magallon, Becky; Mitre - Ramirez, Norma; Orozco, Norma; Ortiz, Lorrie;
<br />Ousley, Mardy; Ramirez, Teresa; 'Rosalinda Gonzalez'; Trujillo, Rose Ann;
<br />Woods, Gail
<br />12:00 PM -2:30 PM Kelly /Chief Rojas Drive Around
<br />Invitees:
<br />October 23, 2014
<br />Dave Valentin attending the Rally
<br />Thursday
<br />Invitees:
<br />9:00 AM -11:00 AM
<br />SMT Meeting
<br />Invitees: Greene, Eileen; Carroll, Robert; Matulin, Ann; Revere,
<br />October 25, 2014
<br />Christopher; Rojas, Carlos; Rossini, Laura; Valentin, David; McGeachy,
<br />Saturday
<br />Douglas
<br />11:00 AM -12:00 PM
<br />Vincent Saldivar
<br />Invitees: Rojas, Carlos
<br />1:00 PM -2:00 PM
<br />Police Service Dispatcher Profile
<br />Invitees: Garcia, Amparo; Rojas, Carlos; Carroll, Robert; Queen, Anita;
<br />October 27, 2014
<br />Horner, Tina
<br />6:00 PM -9:00 PM
<br />Orange County Crime Stoppers Meet and Greet Fundraiser
<br />9:00 AM -9:30 AM
<br />_ Invitees: Rojas, Carlos
<br />6:00 PM -6:30 PM
<br />Coffee with a Cop
<br />10:00 AM -11:00 AM
<br />Invitees: Greene, Eileen; Rojas, Carlos
<br />7:00 PM -8:00 PM
<br />Com -Link General Meeting - Main Topic "Public Safety in our
<br />neighborhoods"
<br />Invitees: Macedonio, Margarita; Rojas, Carlos
<br />October 24, 2014
<br />Friday
<br />12:00 AM -12:00 AM
<br />Beat the HEAT Rock -n -Rally 2014
<br />Invitees: Rojas, Carlos
<br />8:00 AM -8:30 AM
<br />Dave Valentin attending the Rally
<br />Invitees:
<br />8:00 PM -9:00 PM
<br />Day off
<br />Invitees:
<br />October 25, 2014
<br />Saturday
<br />8:00 AM -8:30 AM
<br />Plaza Buena Cosecha (Plaza Good Harvest)
<br />Invitees: Rojas, Carlos
<br />5:00 PM -10:00 PM
<br />Gloria's retirement west clubhouse
<br />Invitees:
<br />October 27, 2014
<br />Monday
<br />9:00 AM -9:30 AM
<br />Chief Carlos Rojas (Standing Meeting)
<br />Invitees: Rojas, Carlos
<br />10:00 AM -11:00 AM
<br />Dr. C
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<br />