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Item 30 - Agreement for Public Works Cost Recovery Analysis Services
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 30 - Agreement for Public Works Cost Recovery Analysis Services
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Last modified
5/30/2024 4:10:27 PM
Creation date
5/29/2024 6:08:53 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Public Works
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a <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />D. EXCEPTIONS <br />Requests submitted for City's consideration of proposed terms and conditions, including <br />modifications to the City's RFP and/or Contract terms and conditions must be submitted by <br />the deadline for questions. Such requests should include an attachment in Word or PDF <br />format on formal company letterhead that shows the requested modifications. Should the <br />Proposer be considered for award recommendation and progress into the negotiations <br />phase, the requests for exceptions or modifications to the City's terms and conditions will be <br />discussed at that time. The City will not accept any requests after the deadline for questions <br />and reserves the right to reject or strike any requests for exceptions or additional terms and <br />conditions related to Agreement, RFP, and insurance and indemnification terms and <br />conditions. <br />E. ADDENDA <br />Any changes in RFP from the date of release to date of submittal will result in an addendum <br />or amendment. Notification of such addendum or amendment shall be posted on City's <br />PlanetBids system, <br />Proposers shall be responsible for monitoring the site to obtain information regarding this <br />solicitation. <br />F. UNDERSTANDING PROPOSAL <br />It is the responsibility of each Proposer to inquire about any criteria, condition, term, provision, <br />or requirement of the RFP that the Proposer does not understand. Responses to inquiries, <br />if they significantly change or clarify the RFP requirements or any aspect of the procurement <br />process, will be forwarded by addenda to all Proposers. The City will not be bound by any <br />oral responses to inquiries. By submitting proposals, Proposers assert that they have fully <br />read the RFP and any addenda issued by the City, the proposed Contract and any other <br />Contract Documents, and affirm that the terms and conditions stated therein are fully <br />understood and are acceptable to the Proposer. Each Proposer accepts the terms and <br />conditions of the Contract Documents and indicates their ability and willingness to perform <br />the requested services under such terms and conditions. Any exceptions to the terms and <br />conditions set forth in the Contract Document shall be submitted to the City by the deadline <br />to submit requests for information or clarification/questions set forth herein. <br />G. PROPOSAL CONTENTS <br />Proposals are to be prepared in such a way as to provide a straightforward, concise <br />delineation of capabilities to satisfy the requirements of this RFP. Colored displays, <br />promotional materials, photographs etc., are not necessary or desired. Emphasis should be <br />concentrated on conformance to RFP instructions, responsiveness to the RFP requirements, <br />and on completeness and clarity of content. Digital dividers and clear organization of content <br />and material are encouraged. <br />Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) <br />SOQ must include a Table of Contents and be limited to a maximum of 20 pages <br />(excluding City's required Certifications listed in Section VIII below; Proposal Cover <br />Letter, section dividers, table of contents, front/back cover pages). The page limitation <br />includes all appendices, attachments, and supplemental information. Additionally, SOQ <br />must include the following: <br />City of Santa Ana RFP 24-051 Page 5 of 31 <br />
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