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FEE PROPOSAL: <br />In addition to Section IV.B.3 (Submittal Requirements: Fee Proposal) fee schedule shall be structured to <br />correspond to the above mentioned tasks as follows: <br />Task 1: Constructability Review <br />- Subtasks <br />Task 2: Construction Management and Inspection Services <br />- Subtasks <br />Total Fee: <br />Fee schedule for each task should include an hourly breakdown that corresponds to the task total. <br />CITY RESPONSANILITIES: <br />The City will provide information in its possession relevant to the preparation of the required information <br />in the RFP. The City will provide only the staff assistance and the documentation specifically in referred to <br />herein. <br />• Furnish scope of work and provide general direction as needed for the assigned project <br />• All plan check coordination within the City <br />• Advertise, award, and execution of construction contract <br />• Electronic files (sample plans & specifications, City of Santa Ana's CADD Standards) <br />• Electronic files for title sheets and sheet borders <br />• Facilitate meeting space and coordination and City facilities <br />• Facilitate City Permits <br />CONSULTANT RESPONSIBILITIES: <br />• Consultant shall provide all required insurance as outlined in Attachment 2 of this RFP. <br />City of Santa Ana RFP 24-041A <br />Page Al-7 <br />