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Item 08 - Receive and File Bowers Museum Report
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 08 - Receive and File Bowers Museum Report
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5/30/2024 4:05:44 PM
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5/29/2024 6:11:35 PM
City Clerk
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City Manager's Office
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AFTER SCHOOL LEARNING CENTER AT KIDSEUM <br />The Bowers offers a free After School Learning <br />Center for Santa Ana children grades 1 st-8th <br />(younger sisters and brothers in Kindergarten can <br />register with an older sibling in 1 st grade and above.) <br />It runs from 2:30 - 5:30 Monday - Friday all year. <br />The After School Learning Center at Bowers' Kidseum <br />is an enrichment program that provides year-round <br />after school care, homework support, and arts and <br />cultural instruction to underserved students that <br />reside and attend schools in Santa Ana. When <br />students arrive in the afternoon, they are served <br />healthy snacks and then the rest of their (up to) <br />three hours at the program includes a mixture of <br />homework support, special art -class and art -making <br />activities, free play, organized programs with special <br />guest instructors and/or performances, as well as <br />scheduled visits to the Bowers Museum to tour <br />permanent and special exhibitions. At the end of <br />each school year, students are taken by bus to a local <br />college to expose them to colleges and develop a <br />visible pathway to college. <br />For parents, guardians and teacher, there are even <br />more reasons to come as our yearly surveys show <br />the program has a big impact on the lives of the local <br />children and their families: <br />• 100% of students improved their math skills <br />• 91 % improved their English language arts skills <br />• 90% improved their social studies skills <br />• 85% improved their science skills <br />• 100% of parents reported improved behavior at <br />home <br />• 99% of parents reported improved self-esteem <br />and confidence in their children <br />• 90% of parents believe their children have bene- <br />fited from the program because they learn about <br />a variety of cultures through art programs and <br />museum exhibits <br />ANNE'S TREASURES <br />This arts engagement program for seniors takes place <br />every 2nd and 4th Thursday morning and serves over 100 <br />participants at each event. Seniors age 62 and over from <br />the broader community are welcomed to the museum <br />to enjoy and learn about different cultural art traditions <br />from around the world. The majority of participants <br />are from the local Vietnamese, Chinese and Latino <br />communities. <br />When creating art, the brain is always at work, there <br />are decisions to be made about subject, placement, <br />color choice and size. Creating art lessens anxiety into <br />relaxation as seniors become immersed in a project that <br />gives them a feeling of control over their environment. <br />Evaluations of regular attendees have shown evidence of <br />significant impact and growth in mental health as well as <br />arts and cultural understanding. <br />I► <br />i <br />
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