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B. Hearing Process: During the hearing, the formal rules of evidence do not apply. <br />The cost of the list of arbitrators, the arbitrator themselves, and the court reporter <br />shall be split evenly (50% and 50%) between the City and the Association. Once <br />the arbitrator issues their advisory recommendation, the Executive Director of <br />Human Resources or Designee will submit the advisory recommendation to the <br />City Manager. <br />The Arbitrator's Decision: The arbitrator shall issue their advisory <br />recommendation within thirty (30) calendar days from the conclusion of the <br />hearing. <br />C. The City Manager's Role: Within thirty-five (35) calendar days of receipt of the <br />advisory arbitrator's recommendation, the City Manager shall issue and send their <br />final written decision to the parties. The City Manager may accept, reject, or modify <br />the arbitrator's advisory recommendation or any part thereof. The City Manager's <br />decision shall be final and binding. In reaching their decision, the City Manager <br />shall review the arbitrator's advisory recommendation and the evidence, both <br />documentary and testimonial, and arguments presented at the advisory arbitration. <br />D. Right to File in Court: The employee has the right to appeal the City Manager's <br />decision in accordance with California Code of Civil Procedure section 1094.6 that <br />provides a ninety (90) day statute of limitations. <br />17.4 Alleged violations of City Rules, Regulations, and Policies <br />If an employee, group of employees or the Association (grievant) believes there has been <br />a violation, misapplication or misinterpretation of a City rule, regulation or policy, the <br />grievant may, file a grievance within ten (10) calendar days of the alleged violation, <br />misapplication or misinterpretation or when the grievant knew or should have reasonably <br />become aware of the facts giving rise to the grievance. The parties may mutually agree to <br />extend the timeline to file a grievance per this section. <br />Such a grievance should be filed with the Executive Director of Human Resources or <br />designee. The grievant may request a meeting with either the Chief of Police or City <br />Manager (depending on who made decision). The decision of Chief of Police or City <br />Manager's shall be final. <br />601 <br />