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ARTICLE XXII <br />22.0 SOLE AND ENTIRE AGREEMENT <br />22.1 It is the intent of the parties hereto that the provisions of this MOU shall supersede all prior <br />agreements and memoranda of agreement, or memoranda of understanding, or contrary <br />salary and/or personnel rules and regulations or administrative codes, provisions of the <br />City, oral and written, expressed or implied, between the parties, and shall govern the entire <br />relationship and shall be the sole source of any and all rights which may be asserted <br />hereunder. This MOU is not intended to conflict with federal or state law or the City <br />Charter. <br />22.2 The City will continue to administer its employee relations and its personnel policies and <br />procedures in accordance with duly -adopted ordinances and resolutions, and the affected <br />employees will continue to be governed thereby during the term of this MOU. <br />s-% <br />