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S~TIDN 5. That the bonded indebtednass and interest of the City for <br />the Library Bond Fund authorized by the voters by their ballots cast in the <br />Special MuniQipal Bond Elections held November 6, 1956, may be paid for the <br />current year~ the rate of $.020 on each $100.00 of the taxable property in <br />said 0ity is hereby fixed, but that said rate s~l I not apply to amy portion <br />of that property designated "S.E. Southern Pacific and Delhi .An~", added <br />to the City by an~x~tioll ce~tifimd by ~he Secretary of State on Jacna~y 17, ' <br />1957, and desi~-ated Tax Code Area 1134. · <br /> <br /> S~CTION 6. That a General C~pital Improvement ~ may be established, <br />ms provi .d~d for in Section 611 of the C~ter of the ~ity of Sant~ Ama, the <br />rate of $.260 on each $100.00 of assessed value of the tamable property in <br /> <br /> S~CTION 7. This 0rd~oe is urgently required for the immediate pre- <br />servation of public health~ peace and safety. The following is a specific <br />st~ts~ent showin~ the urgency of this 0rdi~e~ce: <br /> <br /> That the revenue to Be derived fro~-~the ta~es to be levied and collected <br />in accordauce with the terms hereof is necessary for the preservation of public <br />health, peace and safety; to maintain -11 City services; and in erder to be in <br />effect in time required for this year's tax levy, an Ordinance is now !--~li_ ately <br />required; therefore, the City Council declares that this 0r~t~a-~.e s~l] take <br />effect as~ and is adopted aa~ an ~wgency measure -~ Be in force frost,nd after <br />its publication. It is provided, however, +.~t should the provisions ~eclaring <br />th~ a e_w*_rgeney be held to be invalid for any reason whatsoever, ~.~- and in that <br />event ~b~s Orclinance shall nevertheless take effect thirty (~0) days after the <br />adoption thereof and thereafter shall be in i~,~1 fores and effect. <br /> <br /> PAS$~ AND ADOi~_~D by the City Council of the City of Sant~ Ana at its <br /> <br />regule~ meeting held on the <br />A'~-A~ST: <br /> <br />5th <br /> <br /> <br />