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1953 - 1999 (NS-001-NS-2415)
1958 (NS-299 - NS-356)
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Last modified
1/3/2012 1:06:21 PM
Creation date
6/26/2003 10:08:02 AM
City Clerk
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ORDINANCE NO. NS-327 DECr~RING ~ ~NEXATION OF THAT <br />CERTAIN TERRITORY DESIGNATED "MEMORY LANE AND BAKER N. <br />Ai~NEX" <br /> <br /> WEEBW. A.~, the City Council of the City of .~sa ta Ana did on May 5, <br />1958 declare its intention to annex certain uninhabited territory by <br />Resolution No. 58-126, which said Resolution was regularly published <br />as required by law, and which said Resolution gave due notice of public <br />hearing to be held on June 16, 1958; a~ d <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, at said hearing there were no objections or protests <br />to ssi d proposed annexation; <br /> <br /> NOW, ~HEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA DOES <br />ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br /> SECTION 1. That after dne hearing, it finds that there was no <br />protest to the annexation of the territory herein described, that due <br />notice of the time smd place of hearing was given; that said territory <br />was wholly uninhabited at the time the petition for annexation was <br />filed; that said territory is contiguous to the City of Ss~ta Aha, <br />California; that written consent of all the owners was filed with the <br />Clerk of the Council prior to the adoption of this Ordinance, agree- <br />~ing that all property within said territory shall be taxed to pay any <br />indebtedness or liability of said City contracted prior to or existing <br />at the time of annexation and that ssld property shall be so taxed. <br /> <br /> SECTION 2. That all of the territory situated in the County of <br />Orange, State of Callfor~lta, described as: <br /> <br /> Beginning at a point on the South line of Lot 14 of Potts, <br /> Borden and Sidwell Tract, as per map recorded in Book 4, Page <br /> 624 of ~¥Iiscellaneous Records in the Office of the County Re- <br /> corder of Los Angeles County 386.00 feet westerly from the <br /> Southeast corner of ssid Lot 14, ssid point of beginning being <br /> a point on the City boundary of the City of Sa~ ta Aha, Cal ifor- <br /> nia, and running thence westerly aloh~ the South line of said <br /> Lot ~, and along said City boundaryl~2.00 fe~t to an angle <br /> point in said City boundary; ~chence northerly along said City <br /> boundary 202.00 feet to an angle point in said City boundary; <br /> thence departing from said Ci.ty boundary, easterly parallel <br /> with said South line of Lot 14, 82.00 feet; thence southerly <br /> in a straight line to the point of begirnuing, and to said City <br /> boundary, <br /> <br />be and the same is hereby annexed to and shall become a part of the <br /> <br />City of Ss~ta Ana, the Sm ta Ana School District, Santa Aha High School <br /> <br /> <br />
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