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1953 - 1999 (NS-001-NS-2415)
1968 (NS-907 - NS-949)
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Last modified
1/3/2012 1:05:28 PM
Creation date
6/26/2003 10:08:04 AM
City Clerk
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of Public Health (Title 17, California Administrative Code, Sections <br />7583-7622, inclusive) as they are now in effect and as they may be <br />amended from time to time in the future, insofar as the same are <br />applicable to the protection of the water supply of the City are hereby <br />adopted, incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. <br /> <br /> C. Installation~ Maintenance and Testinq: Backflow preventive <br />devices required hereunder shall be approved by the Department, and <br />shall be installed at the expense of the customer. The customer shall <br />annually test and service such devices to maintain them in satisfactory <br />operating condition and shall overhaul or replace such devices if they <br />are found defective. Records of such tests, repairs and overhauls shall <br />be kept by the customer on forms approved by the Department. A copy of <br />such records shall be sent to the Department. Tests shall be conducted <br />and reported in a manner prescribed by the Health Department by persons <br />certified or approved by the Health Department. <br /> <br /> D. Discontinuance of Water Service: Service of water to any <br />premises may be discontinued by the Department if a backflow preventive <br />device required by this Section and by rules or regulations adopted <br />pursuant thereto is not installed, tested and maintained, or if any <br />defect is found in an installed backflow preventive device, or if it is <br />found that a backflow preventive device has been removed or by-passed, <br />or if unprotected cross-connections exist on the premises, and service <br />will not be restored until such conditions or defects are corrected. <br /> <br />SECTION 7414. Water for Tracts <br /> <br /> A. Construction Water for Residential Subdivisions of Five or <br />~ore Lots: Water used for construction purposes within residential <br />subdivisions of five or more lots shall be paid for at the charge as <br />established by and for the purposes described in the resolution adopted <br />by the Council for each lot in the entire subdivision. This payment <br />shall cover all water needed for curbs, sidewalks, concrete pavement, <br />pavement, sub-grade compaction, plastering, bricklaying, and other normal <br />construction uses with the exception of sewer ditch flooding, and shall <br />be taken from the service connection or fire hydrants within the tract, <br />using meters at no additional cost for water, or from fire hydrants <br />under the provision of Section 7411. The charge per lot shall provide <br />for water from the service connection or hydrants within the tract <br />boundaries only and for the construction activities specified above and <br />for any other use such as developing lawns and watering plantings on the <br />lot for a period of four months from the time the payment is made, or <br />service is installed, or until the utility release for the house or <br />building is issued, whichever occurs first. Thereafter, all water used <br />shall be charged for at the regular rates. <br /> <br />B. Construction Water for Commercial or Industrial Subdivisions <br /> <br />of Five or More Lots: Water used for construction purposes within <br />commercial or industrial subdivisions of five or more lots shall be paid <br />for at the charge as established by the Council for water from fire <br />hydrants under the provision of Section 7411. <br /> <br /> C. Application for Water Mains: Owners of a new tract or of a <br />subdivision of land, who are required to install water mains and hydrantsi <br />as provided for in the Subdivision Ordinance, shall make application to <br />have said water mains and fire hydrants laid in said tract or subdivision. <br />Water mains and fire hydrants shall be as determined by the Department <br />to properly supply said tract or subdivision, having due regard to the <br />requirements of adjacent lands and growth of the City. The Department <br />shall charge and collect in advance for such water mains, fittings and <br />hydrants as it deems necessary at the rate which the City Council shall <br />establish by resolution. In cases where the applicant requests and is <br />granted a main larger than deemed necessary by the Department, the <br />applicant shall pay the entire cost. <br /> <br />-8- <br /> <br /> <br />
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