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F. Background area of wall signs shall not exceed thirty (30) <br />percent of the building facade or four (4) square feet per lineal <br />foot of the elevation upon which they are placed, whichever is <br />greater. <br /> <br /> G. Copy area of multiple copy signs shall not exceed forty <br /> (40) percent of background area to which applied. <br /> H. Principal identification sign is a sign which~dentifies <br />only the name of the business and the principal product or service. <br />These signs are not subject to any limitation of copy area to <br />background. <br /> <br /> I. Signs, pennants and banners for temporary advertising <br />displays, grand openings, or special events shall be permitted by <br />Planning Department approval for a period of days not to exceed a <br />total of thirty (30) successive days in any given six-month period. <br />Nothing herein shall be deemed to prohibit the following: <br /> <br /> 1. Traditional Christmas decorations in residential and <br />commercial zones so long as they meet other existing codes of the <br />city of Santa Ana; <br /> <br /> 2. Advertising on fireworks stands; <br /> 3. Advertising for any charitable or non-profit organization. <br /> <br /> J. No sign shall be constructed within ten (10) feet of any <br />street property line, unless the faces of the same are more than <br />eight (8) feet above curb grade. <br /> <br /> K. No person shall construct or maintain any sign structure <br />or light of any kind or character for the purpose of advertising <br />the goods or business of any such person when such advertising <br />structure, sign device, or light displays or makes use of words <br />or flashes in a manner that is confusing to motor vehicle <br />operators, such as: "STOP", "DANGER", "TURN HERE", or simulates <br />a traffic signal or warning light. <br /> <br /> L. All signs must be constructed in conformance with Chapter 8 <br />of the Santa Ana Municipal Code. <br /> <br /> M. No existing sign shall be enlarged, rebuilt, structurally <br />altered, or relocated except in accordance with the provisions of <br />this Chapter. However, copy or display messages may be changed <br />if the change does not require enlargement, rebuilding, or any <br />structural change other than the change of letters or symbols. <br /> This provision shall not, however, relieve the owner or <br />lessee of the premises upon which any sign is now existing from <br />the duty of safely maintaining such sign in accordance with this <br />Chapter. <br /> <br /> N. The Planning Director may authorize the construction of a <br />sign or marquee that projects into a future right of way area when <br />said sign or marquee projects from a structure considered a non- <br />conforming building due to its encroachment into a future right of <br />way area, or a structure considered a conforming building enclosing <br />a conforming use. <br /> <br /> The Planning Director may further authorize the construc- <br />tion of a sign in a future right of way area provided the appli- <br />cant agrees by an instrument in writing, properly executed and <br />in a form acceptable to and approved by the City Attorney, to <br />remove said sign at the applicant's expense when the future right <br />of way is to be used and upon such other conditions as may be <br />imposed within the written agreement. <br /> Said authorization shall not permit a sign which does not <br />meet with the sign regulations for the district in which located, <br />nor shall such authorization preclude the requirements established <br />by the Building or Engineering Departments relative to structural <br />specifications, encroachment into State-Owned right of way or any <br />other regulation set forth in the Municipal Code. <br /> <br />-5- <br /> <br /> <br />