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581 <br /> <br /> (a) Where the license is based on a variable flat rate, the <br />applicant shall submit to the Collector, for his or her guidance <br />in ascertaining the amount of license tax to be paid by the <br />applicant, a written statement upon a form to be provided by the <br />Collector, written under penalty of perjury or sworn to before a <br />person authorized to administer oaths, setting forth such <br />information concerning the nature, location, intended duration, <br />and ownership of applicant's business as well as any additional <br />information required by the Collector to enable him or her to <br />ascertain the amount of license tax to be paid by said applicant <br />pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. The filing dates for <br />the submission of renewal statements shall be during the period <br />from the first day of January to the thirty-first day of January <br />of each calendar year. In the case of a variable flat tax based <br />upon the number of persons engaged or employed the statement <br />shall be for the preceding twelve (12) month period. <br /> <br /> (b) Where a category or class of variable flat rate licenses <br />are based on a variable flat rate applied to a fixed amount or <br />number which then thereafter does not vary, then, at the <br />discretion of the Collector, the variable flat rate assessment <br />statement may be omitted and a notification of business license <br />tax due may be given at the same time and in the same manner as <br />is applied in the case of flat rate business license. Said <br />business license tax shall then be due and payable and shall <br />become delinquent in the same manner as flat rate business <br />licenses. Provided however, that every variable flat rate <br />licensee shall be required to file an annual variable flat rate <br />assessment statement once every four (4) years. <br /> <br /> (c) Notification of business license tax due, when said taxes <br />are based upon variable flat rates, will be given by first class <br />United States mail no later than the fifteenth day of February, <br />provided that the licensee has submitted a timely renewal <br />statement; provided further that failure to receive such <br />notification shall not exempt the licensee from all requirements <br />under this chapter. <br /> <br /> SECTION 5: That Chapter 21 of the Santa Ana Municipal <br />Code, is hereby amended by amending Section 21-107 which said <br />section reads as follows: <br /> <br />Sec. 21-107. Peddlers and solicitors. <br /> <br /> Any person, whether a resident of the city or not, traveling by <br />foot, automotive vehicle or any other type of conveyance, from <br />place to place, or from street to street carrying, conveying or <br />transporting goods, wares, merchandise, and offering and exposing <br />the same for sale, or making sales and delivering articles to the <br />purchasers, or offering to sell or take orders for goods, wares, <br />or merchandise or other things of value for future delivery, or <br />for services to be performed in the future, or canvassing any <br /> <br />- 21 - <br /> <br /> <br />