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In Re <br /> <br />Reso. No. 2115 <br /> <br />Intention--Set-Back <br /> <br />Lines on Washington Ave. <br /> <br /> In Re <br /> <br /> Reso. No. 2116 <br /> Ordering Work <br /> <br />Bishop, Wakeham Lights. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Reso. No. 2117 <br /> <br />Ordering Work <br /> <br />Grand Ave. & Second St. <br /> <br />-63 <br /> <br />passed by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes, Trustees J.L. McBride, W.J. Kelly, Stanley E. <br /> Goode, F.L. Purinton. <br /> <br /> Noes, Trustees None. <br /> <br />Absent, Trustees Homer C. Chancy. <br /> <br />A resolution was introduced declaring it to be the inten- <br />tion of the City Council to establish set-back lines upon <br />East Washington Avenue on both sides of said street, from <br />Lincoln Avenue to Grand Avenue. The resolution was <br />ordered filed, read, considered, designated Resolution <br />of Intention No. 2115 and passed by the following rOSe: <br /> <br /> Ayes, Trustees J.L. McBride, W.J. Kelly, Stanley E. <br /> Goode, F.L. Purinton. <br /> <br /> Noes, Trustees Now . <br /> <br />Absent, Trustees Homer C. 6"nancy. <br /> <br />This being the time and place set forth in Resolution <br /> <br />of Intention No. 2111 to order the work done and improve- <br />ment made upon and along portions of Bishop, Wakeham, <br />Wisteria, Beverly, Harwood, Oak, Kilson and Hickory <br />Streets, and the City Council being duly convened in <br />session, proceeded to hear and pass upon all protests <br />presented. <br /> <br />Oral protests were made by Messrs. Gardner, Butler, <br />Schultz and others against the proposed work and extent <br />of the district to be assessed therefor. On motion of <br />Trustee Goode, seconded by Kelly and carried, all pro- <br />tests were denied. <br /> <br />A resolution was ~m~roduced, filed, read, considered, <br />designated Resolution Ordering Work No. 2116 and passed <br />by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes, Trustees J.L. McBride, W.3. Kelly, Stanley E. <br /> Goode, F.L. Purinton. <br /> <br /> Noes, Trustees None. <br /> <br />Absent, Trustees Homer C. Chancy. <br /> <br />This being the time and place set forth in Resolution <br />of Intention No. 2109 to order the work and improvement <br />made upon and alon~ portions of Grand Avenue and Second <br />Street, and the City Council being duly convened in open <br />session, proceeded to hear and pass upon all protests <br />presented. <br /> <br /> Written protests were presented signed by Mary E. Ashman <br /> James O. Hull and others against the improveme~ of <br /> Grand Avenue and Becc~d Street and were duly considered. <br /> On motion of Trustee Goode, seconded by McBride and car- <br /> ried, all protests were denied. <br /> <br /> A resolution was introduced, filed, read, considered, <br /> <br /> designated Resolution Ordering ~ork No. 211~ and passed <br /> by the follOWing vote: ' <br /> <br /> <br />