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P~SOLUTION NO. 5-315 <br /> <br />RESOLUTION CONCE~N]];G PEDESTRIAN CROS[~-~m[ALKS UN]~ ORDIff.~ANCE NO. 1030 <br /> <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~[E CITY OF SANCTA A]~A, AS FOLLOWS: <br />That pursuant to the provisions of the Vehicle Code of the State of <br />California and the provisions of Ordinance No. 1030 of the City of Santa Ana, <br />entitled "An Ordinance of the City of Santa Ana Regulating the use of Public <br />Highways within said City", adopted April 6, 1936, the cross-walk established <br />by Resolution No. 3558, adopted the 15th day o f April, 1947, and ordering the <br />establishment of a pedestrian cross-~ralk, as follows: <br /> <br /> "Across North Broadway, the South line of which is 165 feet North of <br /> <br /> the North line of Washinzton Avenue as it exists West of Broadway". <br /> <br />is hereby repealed and rescinded, and the Director of Public ¥forks is here~ <br />directed to cause above described cross-walk to be removed or covered. <br /> <br /> PASSED M~D ADOPTED by the City Counciz of the City of Santa Aha at its <br />regular meeting held on the ~rd day of ..... De.~_Q~E_ , 1956. <br /> <br />~TTEST: // <br /> <br /> Clerk of the Council <br /> <br />STATE OF CAL[FO~BN[A~ <br />COUN <br />CITY OF S~TA <br /> <br />I, EF~ HUNTE~ do hereby certify that I am the Clerk of the Council of the <br />City of Santa Ann; that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced to said <br /> <br />Council at its regular meeting held on the ~z'd day of December . ., 1956, <br /> <br />and was at said meeting regularly passed and adopted by the following vote, to-;~lt: <br /> AYRES, COUNCIi~N: Dale Ii. It.~:in.]y, Jo Ogden ~.~rkel, W!li~ Jerome, <br /> <br />NOES, COUNCILMEN: <br /> <br />ABSENT: COUNCILM-~N: No~;e <br /> <br />( s~AL ) <br /> <br />Clerk of the Council <br /> <br /> <br />