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RESOLUTION NO. V64. <br /> <br /> A resolution determining unpaid assessments for <br /> the ~ rk done and improvement made upon a portion of North <br /> Main Street, and the aggregate amount thereof, that bonds be <br /> issued upon the secttrlty thereof, prescribing the denomination <br /> of said bonds, and providing for the issuance of the same in <br /> annual series. <br /> <br /> ~lereas, a warrant and assessment, dated the 19th <br /> <br /> day of December, 1921, was issued for the work done and' <br /> improvement made upon a portion of North Main Street, an open <br /> public street in the city of Santa Aha, which work and improve- <br /> ment is briefly described in Resolution of Intention No. V00 <br /> of said city, passed on the 2nd day of May,'1921, and ordered <br /> done and made by Resolution No. V08, massed on the 24th day of <br /> May, 1921, and was done and made by Geo. R. Curtis under a con- <br /> tract awarded to him on the 6th day of June, 1921, and, <br /> <br /> Whereas, on the 4th day of February, 1922, being five <br /> (5) days after the final decision of'the appeal taken, as pro- <br /> vided by the Improvement Act of 1911, and the said warrant and <br /> assessment being returned and recorded by the Street Superin- <br /> tendent of the city of Santa Aha, and adter said retttrn was <br /> recorded, the Street Superintendent made up and fi]ed with the <br /> Clerk df t~e city of Santa Aha, as the Clerk of the Beard of <br /> Trustees thereof, a complete llst of all unpaid assessments <br /> upon the assessment, and said Clerk thereupon gave notice of the <br /> filing of said list and that V:30 o'clock P. M. of Tuesday, the <br /> 14th day of February, 1922, at the council chamber of the <br /> <br />Board of Trustees of the city of Santa Aha, was the time therein <br />fixed by him when interested persons might appear before the <br />city council and show cause why bonds should not be f~ssued upon <br />the security of the unpaid assessments shown on said list by <br />posting said notice conspicuously near the Council chamber door <br />of the city of Santa Aha on the Vth day of February, 1922, and <br />said notice remained there posted until the hour of the hear- <br />ing therein noticed, and by publishing the notice twice in <br />SANTA A~A DAII~ EVENING REGIS~?R, a newspaper published in t~e <br />city of Santa Ana, to-wit: on the Vth and 8th days of February, <br />1922, the first ~ublication of which was more than five full <br />days before the time therein fixed for such hearing, and further <br />by mailing said notice, postage prepaid, to t~e owner of each <br />lot listed according to the name and address appearing on the <br />last equalized assessment roll for city taxes of the city of <br />Santa Aha prior thereto; and, <br /> <br /> Whereas, the Board of Trustees of the city of Santa <br />Ana was in session and duly convened at t~e time and ~lace <br />in the said notice specified and provided to hear any objections i <br />presented and no interested or other person a~pearing to show <br />cause or did show cause why bonds ~ould not be issued upon <br /> <br /> <br />