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RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 929. <br /> <br /> Resolved~ that ~is the intention of the Board of <br />Trustees of the city of Santa Ana to order the work to be done <br />and the improvement to be made, hereinafter briefly described, <br />on and along a portion of that open public street in the city <br />of Santa Aha commonly known as North McClay Street, and which <br />portion thereof is described as beginning at the north line <br />of East First Street and extending north to the somlth line of <br />East Fourth Street and the entire width of t~e described <br />portion of North McClay Street, from the curb constructed <br />on the easterly s~de thereof to the curb constructed on the <br />westerly side thereof, and where no curb is constructed then <br />to the easterly and westerly cdx~b lines existing on the <br />demcrlbed portion of North }.TcClay Street, and when any street, <br />part of a street, or alley intersects or terminates in the 1~ <br />described portion of North McClay Street, then beyond the <br />curbs, and where no curbs exist, beyond the curb lines, and <br />across the sidewalk reservations, to the east and west property <br />lines of the described portion of North McClay Street. <br /> <br /> The use h~reinafter of the words "North }.~cClay Street" <br />means and shall at all times be held and construed to mean <br />the ~ortion of that open public street ~bove described. <br /> <br /> The work and improvement which the Board of Trustees <br /> <br />of the city of Santa Ana intends to order done and made on <br /> <br />and along North McClay gtreet is briefly described as follows: <br /> <br /> (a) The regradlng of North McClay Street to a subgrade <br />five (5~ inches below the official grade thereof. <br /> <br /> (b) The construction on the said subgrade of a con- <br />crete pavement five (5) inches thick with a belt finish <br />wearing surface complete to the official grade. <br /> <br /> (c) ~e construction of a concrete curb at the curb <br />lines on a~d along t~e easterly a~ld westerly sides of North <br />McClay Street, and where any street, part of a ~treet, or <br />alley i~tersects or termdnates in North McClay Street the <br />curb shall be returned on each side of any such street or <br />alley on a curve back to the property lines on the easterly <br />and westerly sides of North McClay Street, excepting where <br />a concrete curb or return curb is ~lready constructed. <br /> <br /> (d) The excavation in Nort~ McClay Street pf seven ~'1 <br />(7) lateral house connection sewer trenches, approximately <br />four (4) feet deep, one trench to be opposite each lot, piece <br />or parcel of land fronting on North McClay Street, except <br />where a lateral house connection sewer already exists; each <br />sewer trench to extend easterly or westerly as the case may <br />be lmm the main sewer now constructed along approximately <br />the center llne of M~Clay ~treet to a~d inside of the c~rbs <br />constructed or to be co~str~cted pursuant to this R..~olution~ <br />of ~tentlon on th~ easterly and westerly sides of North Mcdlay <br /> <br /> <br />