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Precinct election officers shall receive the following com- <br />pensation: Inspectors, $15.00; all others $12.00 for their work <br />as such officers; owners of privately owned polling places shall <br />receive the sum of $8.00 for t~e use of each polling place. <br /> <br /> Section ~: Said election shall be held and conducted in ac- <br />cordance with the laws regulating general municipal elections in <br />cities of the fifth class, and with the general election laws of the <br />State of California, so far as the same may be applicable thereto. <br />The polls shall be opened at 7 A.M. on the day of said election, and <br />shall be kept open until 7 P.M. of said day, at which time the polls <br />shall be closed. <br /> <br /> Section 4: Notice of said election, containing a statement <br /> <br />of the time of said election and of the names of the offices to be <br />filled thereat, and briefly, a general description of the voting pre- <br />cincts and location of the polling places, and of the time of the <br />opening end closing of the polls, shall be given by the City ClerK, <br /> <br />~X~xa~x~i~_~x~gx~a~l~x~xc~_av~t~xs~r~by one publica- <br />tion in the Santa Aha Independent, a weekly newspaper published and <br />circulated in the City of Santa Ana, not earlier than the sixtieth <br />(60th) or later than the thirty-first (31st) day before the date of <br />said election. <br /> <br /> Section ~: The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be pub- <br />lished a list of the names of the nominees in alphabetical order, and <br />the respective offices for which they have been nominated, twice be- <br />fore the day of said election, in the Santa Aha Independent, a news- <br />paper published in said City of Santa Aha in the form as required by <br />law. <br /> <br /> SectiOn 6: The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be <br />printed, official ballots in the form and number as required by law, <br />and shall procure all other supplies necessary for the holding of said <br />election as required by law. <br /> <br /> <br />