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<br /> WHEREAS, the SANTA ANA SCHOOL DISTRICT has presented to the
<br />CITY COUNCIL OF SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA, a deed dated February 27, 1951,
<br />conveying easements for public street purposes in, over and upon the
<br />real property situated in the City of Santa Ann, County of Orange,
<br />State of California, and described as follows:
<br />
<br /> Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of the parcel of land
<br /> described in the deed to Santa Ann School District of Orange
<br /> County, recorded September 29, 1950. in Book 2080, at Pages
<br /> 502, 503, 504 and 505, of OfficialRecords, in the Office of
<br /> the County Recorder of said Orange County, and running thence
<br /> Westerly along the Northerly line of said parcel of land, to
<br /> the intersection of said Northerly line, with the northerly
<br /> extension of the Easterly line of Tract No. 1370, as said
<br />Tract is shown on a map recorded in Book 41, page 21, of ~ls-
<br />cellaneous Maps, Records of said Orange County; thence Southerly
<br />along said Northerly extension of the said Easterly line and
<br />along said Easterly line of Tract No. 1370, to the intersection
<br />of said Easterly line of Tract No. 1370 with the Easterly exten-
<br />sion of the ~outherly line of Russell Avenue, said intersection
<br />being the Northeasterly corner of Lot 1 of said Tract No. 1370;
<br />thence Easterly along the Easterly extension of the said Southerly
<br />line of Russell Avenue, to the Northwesterly corner of the land
<br />conveyed to B. M. Scott and wife, by deed re~orded June 29, 1939,
<br />in Book 1002, at Page 247, of Official Records, in the Office
<br />of the County Recorder of said Orange County; thence Easterly
<br />along the Northerly line of said land conveyed to B. M. Scott
<br />and wife, to the Easterly line of the land described in said deed
<br />to the Santa Ann School District of Orange County, recorded in
<br />Book 2080, at Pages 502, 503, 504 and 505 of Official Records, in
<br />the Office of the County Recorder of said Orange County; thence
<br />Northerly along said Easterly line to the point of beginning.
<br />
<br />Beginning at the Southwesterly corner of the parcel of land
<br />described in the deed to Santa Ann School District of Orange
<br />County, recorded September 29, 1950, in Book 2080, at Pages 502,
<br />503, 504 and 505, of Official Records in the Office of the County
<br />Recorder of said Orange County, said corner being the intersection
<br />of the Easterly extension of the center line of Wilshire Avenue
<br />and the Easterly line of Tract No. 1370, as said Tract No. 1370
<br />is shown on a map recorded in Book 41, at Page 21, of Miscel-
<br />laneous Maps, records of said Orange County; and running thence
<br />Easterly along the Southerly line of said Parcel of land de-
<br />scribed in the deed to Santa Ann School District of Orange County,
<br />to an angle point, said point being the Northwesterly corner of
<br />the land described in the deed to Santa Ann School District of
<br />Orange County, recorded November 17, 1950, in Book 2103, at
<br />Page 209, of Official Records, in the office of the County Re-
<br />corder of said Orange County; thence Easterly along the Westerly
<br />extension of the center line of Wilshire Avenue, as it exists
<br />East of Olive Street, to the Westerly line of Olive Street, as
<br />shown on a map of Tract No. 352, recorded in Book 15, Pages 15
<br />and 16 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the County Re-
<br />corder of said Orange County; thence Northerly along the said
<br />
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