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1918 (#629-635)
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1918 (#629-635)
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water course existing within the city of Santa Ana known as and <br />called Santiago Creek, at the place where said Santiago Creek <br />intersects North Main Street, a public street in the city of <br />Santa Ans. (The use of the words "Main Street bridge" herein- <br />after in this Ordinance is intended to mean, shall mean, and <br />at all times be construed tom mean said bridge.) <br /> <br /> (b) The acquisition and construction of a bridge com- <br />posed of wood and steel erected over and extending across that <br />certain water course existing within the city of Santa Aha known <br />as and cal~ed Santiago Creek, at the place where said Santiago <br />Greek intersects North Flower Street,(formerly Hannah Street) <br /> <br />a public street in the city of Santa Ana. <br />"North Flower Arrest bridge" hereinafter <br />intended to mean, shall mean, and at all <br />mean the said bridge.) <br /> <br /> (The use of the words <br />in this ordinance is <br />times be construed to <br /> <br /> It is hereby determined and declared that the Board <br /> <br />of Trustees of the city of Santa Aha proposes to incur a bonded <br />debt to pay the cost of said municipal improvement, to-wit: a <br />bonded debt to pay the cost of the acquisition an~ construction <br />of said Main Street bridge and also a bonded debt to pay the cost <br />of the acquisition and construction of said North Flower Street <br />bridge, and to issue and sell the bonds of the city of Santa Ana <br />for said purposes. <br /> <br /> Section 2. <br /> <br /> (a) The objects and purposes for which the indebted- <br />ness is proposed to be ~ourred for said Main Street bridge is to <br />pay the cost of the acquisition and construction thereof in order <br />to furnish and provide and for the purpose of furnishing and pro- <br />viding the public and all persons traveling upon and along said <br />North Main Street and using said North Main Street as a street <br />or highway for travel and transportation a sage, adequate and <br />convenient means for passing over and crossing said Santiago Creek, <br />the same being necessary and convenient to carry out the objects, <br />purposes and powers of the city of Santa Ans. <br /> <br /> (b) The objects and purposes for which the indebted- <br />ness is proposed to be incurred for said North Flower Street <br />bridgeiie to pay the cost of the acquisition and construction thereof <br />in order to furnish and provide~and for the purpose of furnishing <br />and providing the public and all persons traveling upon and along <br />said North Flower Street and using said North Flower Street as <br />a street or highway for travel and transportation a safe, amd <br />adequate and convenient means for passing over and crossing said <br />~antiago Creek, the same being necessary and convenient 5o carry <br />out the objects, purposes and powers of the city of Santa Aha. <br /> <br /> Section 3. <br /> <br /> (a) The cost <br />of said municipal improvement, <br />is estimated to be $38,500.00, <br />of the indebtedness <br /> <br /> of the acquisition and construction <br /> to-wit: said Main Street bridge, <br /> <br /> and the amount of the principal <br />to be incurred there£or is the sum of <br /> <br /> <br />
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