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182 <br /> <br />is hereby fixed and establist~ed as follows: <br /> <br /> The grade is stated at designated points upsn and <br />along the center llne of West Santa ~lara Avenue and the eleva- <br />tions given are for the top of the crown of the street upon md <br />along the center line thereof as follows: <br /> <br /> At the point of intersection of the center line' <br /> <br />of Nest Santa Clara Avenue with the ~ortherly extended cen- <br />ter line of Greenleaf Street, 1~4.40 feet. <br /> <br /> At the point of intersection of the center llne <br /> <br />of Santa Clara Avenue with the center line of ~orth Flower -- <br />Street, 129.00 feet. <br /> <br /> The official grade of and upon North Flower Street <br />is hereby fixed and established as follows: <br /> <br /> The grade is stated at designated points upon and <br />along the center line of North Flower Street and the eleva- <br />tions given are for the top of the crown of the street upon <br />and along the center line thereof ss follows: <br /> <br /> At the point of intersection of the center line <br /> <br />of North Flower Street with the center line of ~est Santa <br />Clara Avenue 129.00 feet. <br /> <br /> At a point in the center line of North Flower <br /> <br />Street 355 feet Northerl~ from the center line of West <br /> <br />Santa Clara Avenue 129.V0 feet. <br /> <br /> At a pc~int in the center line of North Flower <br /> <br />Street 620 feet Northerly from the center line of ~est <br />Santa Clara Evenue 130.80 feet. <br /> <br /> At tlxe pc:iht of intersection of the center line <br />of North Flower btreet w~th the Westerly extended center <br />llne of Riverside Drive 1~4.~0 feet. <br /> <br /> At tNe point of intersection of the center llne <br />of North Flower bt?et the }!orthwesterly extended <br />center llne cf North Park Boulevard 1Z5.50 <br /> <br /> a~ a point in the center line of ~or~h Flower <br />Street ?S feet Northerly from th~ point of intersection <br />cf the center llne of Morlh Flower btreet w4t~ l~orthwester- <br />ly extended center line of North Park Boulevard, 1Z?.~0 feet. <br /> <br /> Section 2. All of ~he e!cvatio~;s stated and given <br />in tt~Is Ordinance and which are herelnbefcre f~xed and <br />tabl~shed as the grades upon }lo~th Park Bculew~rd, h~ver- <br />side Drive, Heliotropic Drive, Bentoz~ %'~ay, Bonnie Brae, ¥~est <br />Santa Clara Avenue and North Flower btreet, ar(~ based upon <br />a datum plane adopted and estab]~fsh~d by 0rd~nance No. gui <br />of the City cf ~a'~ta ~na, which datum plane Is 124.25~ f~et <br />k:elow the center line of a bench mark corls~ti~g of a copper <br />plate fixed and !seated in the Northwest cor:~er cf the City <br />Hall of Santa Aha, and marked "U. S. Co, st an8 Oeoget~c Sur- <br />vey B.~." Ali of sa~d e!exmt~ons are expressed in fe~t and <br />hundredths of fa~t and ara a~t'~ said datum <br /> <br /> <br />
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