<br />
<br /> The Board of Trustees of the City of Santa Aha,
<br /> California, does ordain as follows, to-wit:
<br />
<br /> That Whereas, the City of Santa Ana, California, did
<br />
<br /> on the 2Bth day of December, 1914, by Ordinance elect and de-
<br /> termine to avail itself of the provisions of the Act of the 2~th-~
<br /> day of ~rch, 1895, a~d subsequent amendments thereto relative
<br /> to the assessment and collection of taxes for the municipal cor-
<br /> poration of the City of Santa Ana, Cal'ifor~nia, and did in accor-
<br /> dance therewith on or about said date file with the Auditor of
<br /> Orar~e County, California, a verified copy of said Ordinance
<br /> pertaining thereto as provided by law:
<br />
<br /> And Whereas, the County Auditor of the C'ounty of O~ange,
<br />State of California, on the 14th day of August, 1923, filed his
<br />statement in writing with the Board of Trustees of the City of
<br />S~nta Ana, California, showing the total value of all propex-ty
<br />within the corporate limits for the year lg23-1924 as equalized
<br />and collected by the Board of Supervisors of Orange County,
<br />California, and fixed the sum as shown by the assessment rolls
<br />for said year at $18,045,895.00 exclusive of operative property,
<br />and whereas, the amount of money ascertained and fixed to car~y
<br />on the various departments of the City of Santa ~na, and to pay
<br />the bonded indebtedness falling due for the current year lg23-
<br />1~24 is the fixed sum of $1.80, and whereas, said sum is to be
<br />apportioned among the various departments of the said City of
<br />Santa Ana, and placed in the general and special funds to pay
<br />current municipal ex~nses on the assessed value of all the real
<br />and personal property within such municipality over and above
<br />
<br /> the several sums to be raised as provided by law.
<br />
<br /> Section 1. That the total valuation of the taxable
<br /> property of the City of Santa Ana of $18,045,B~5.00 shall be
<br /> used as a basis for the le~ of the taxes of the City of Santa
<br /> Ana, California, and the County of Orange,.State of California,
<br /> at the same time and in the same manner county levies are made
<br /> and collected.
<br />
<br /> Section 2. That the ~ate of ~ax~tion for municipal
<br /> purposes and to pay the bonded indebtedness and interest of the
<br /> City of Santa Ana, Califonria, for the current year 1923-1924
<br /> is hereby fixed at $1.80 on the taxable property of said City
<br /> and that said amount of $18,045,895.00 in the aggregate and ratel
<br /> sum of $1.60 on each $100.00 of the taxable property of said
<br /> City is hereby levied upon all the taxable property as ascer-
<br /> tained by the County Assessor smd equalized by the Board of
<br /> SUpervisors of Orange County, California, as aforesaid, and
<br /> which said rate so fixed shall be apportioned among special
<br /> funds to pay the current expenses, bonded indebtedness and in-
<br /> terest and other indebtedness of said City, falling due for the
<br /> current fiscal year 1923-1924 and other several sums'to be
<br /> raised as fixed and provided by law, as follows, to-wit:
<br />
<br />
<br />